Chapter #36

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Chapter #36

November 24th 2007

Scarlett's POV

I wake up to Colleen nearly breaking down my bedroom door. "Colleen what the fuck!" I yell. "Get yer arse down stairs bring the camera!!!" She says excitedly. "Why is your sister like this?" I ask my equally confused wife. "I dinnae ken. Let's go, it must be important." Jan says getting out of bed. "What are you doing?" I ask when she kneels down with her back to me. "If ye can walk on yer own I can get up." She smirks over her shoulder. "Damn it." I say as I get on her back and we hear Colleen yell again. "Oh don't forget the camera or your sister might murder us in our sleep." I joke. "Aye she might that's what happened tae my eldest brother." Janet says dead serious. "WHAT!" I scream and she burst out laughing. "Ha ye thought I was serious." She laughs as she carries me down the stairs. "You are a dick." I grumble. "And ye need yer coffee. Holy shit Scarlett look!" Jan says and Claire is in her little playpen standing up. "Oh my god!" I say excitedly and snap a few photos. "Janet move yer big head so Scarlett can take a picture." Colleen says. "Ok can you put me on the couch on the side next to Claire's playpen please." I ask. "So that's why no one saw Scarlett yesterday. Ye fucked tae much eh?" Colleen says. "We made the boat rock, that's for sure." I say. "Nasty. I dinnae need tae ken that. Ew I am never setting foot on that boat again." Colleen says as Maggie comes practically flying through the door. "Oh Angus we missed it. And what's wrong with the boat?" Gran asks. "Those two had a little tae much fun." Colleen says pointing between Jan and I. "At least ye havenae heard it." Gran says. "Gran I managed to get pictures." I tell her, holding the polaroids. "I kent that giving ye that would be a good investment. Janny move over." Gran says. Instead of moving over Jan just picks me up and sits in my spot with me on her lap. I wrap one arm around her shoulders out of habit as I show Gran the few photos I took. "Oh look at her, she's so cute. Looks just like Janny when she was a wee lass." Granda says sitting next tae Gran. "Naw Janny wasnea that cute. Me on the other hand." Colleen starts but Jan cuts her off. "Live here rent free so shut yer gob." She says and Colleen just nods and goes to refill her tea. "We have photos of Janny when she was that age at home. Angus go get them." Gran says and he gets up to leave. "No ye deh have tae dae that!" Jan calls after him. "Deh worry I'll get some of Liam and Colly tae." Granda says. "Whell shite at least we can be embaressed together." Colleen says and Jan just buries her head in my neck and groans. "Honey I'm sure you were an adorable baby." I say and she just lets out another groan. "I think ye all were cute bairns." Gran says. "Ye are saying that because yer our Gran." Jan says. "Janny I was joking when I said ye werenae that cute, ye were a cute bairn I am yer big sister it's my job tae embarrass ye in front of yer wife although I'm sure ye dae just fine on yer own with that I just help" Colleen says. "Oh gee thank ye sis." Jan says sarcastically. "Children behave." I say. "But she started it." They say at the same time. "Gran help me." I call out to her since she went to the kitchen to get her and I coffee. "Listen tae Scarlett ye two." She calls out and Colleen's jaw drops. "I'm her favorite." I smile. "Cannae blame her ye are my favorite tae." Jan says. "That is the cheesiest thing that has ever left yer lips Janny." Colleen says. "Boost, ye wee goblin(Get lost)." Jan says flipping off Colleen. "Fine I deh want tae be here when Granda gets back with the photos." She says and heads to her room. "Oh yer up." She says. "That better not be Corporal Byrne!" Jan calls out a little too loudly and Claire cries. "Oh that's my fault I'll fix it." She says moving me off her lap and picks up Claire. She talks to her in Gaelic as she walks around the living room and it calms her down quickly. "Good morn Capitan." Conor says. "I hope ye have a spare uniform in there. Because ye deh have time tae go tae yer house and change." Jan says, looking at her watch. "Fuck I don't." Conor panics. "Take yer name tag off the one ye wore yesterday and yer corporal stripes we can put it on one of mine. Ye look tae be the same size." Jan says. "Thank you so much Capitan." He says and rushes to do as instructed. "Thank ye Janny." Colleen says. "I may have the week off but they deh." Jan says. "How did ye manage that?" Colleen asks. "I took it off for her birthday." Jan says nodding her head to me. "Ok Conor with me." Jan says.

Janet's POV

"Captain, you have no idea how grateful I am right now." Conor says. "I havenae seen my sister so happy with anyone the way she is with ye. And for Christ's sake when off base, call me Jan." I tell him as I pull out one of my uniforms. "Here hold Claire please." I say. "Actually about Colleen." He says oh this arsehole better not be telling me he's going tae leave her. "What about her?" I ask. "I want to marry her." He says and I drop the uniform as I am taking my captain's bars off. "Ye um sorry I wasnae expecting that. Ye have only been together for less than a year." I say. "I know but. I have never felt like this before. I always want to be near her. I always want to know she's safe. I have been deployed before while dating someone but I never started to miss them before I even left. And when the deployment got moved back I was over the moon because it meant I didn't have to leave her so soon." He says and he sounds like me when I had tae leave Scarlett the first time. "Just promise ye will never hurt her." I tell him"You mean I have your blessing?" He asks. "Ye dae but ye have tae get Granda, Gran, and Liam's blessings tae." I tell him. "I kinda already did." He says. "Why me last?" I ask curious not offended just curious then it clicks. "It's because I'm yer boss isn't it?" I ask. "Yeah. And out of all of the family you intimidate me the most." He says. "Oh it should be granda who does that. He was in the special forces." I tell him. "I didn't know that." He says. "He doesnae talk about it much. Ye said ye have been deployed before so ye can understand why." I say and he nods. "Dae ye have a ring yet?" I ask. "Yes, it's actually my grandmother's. Do you think she'll say yes?" He asks. "I dae. Ye ken for a scotsman ye deh have much of an accent where are ye from I deh think I have asked." I say. "Oh well my mum is actually British and my dad is Scottish but I grew up in the lowlands in the town of Dumfries." He says. "Oh so ye grew up fairly close tae the border." I say. "Yes I did. But when I get worked up my Scottish accent comes out a lot thicker. My Da's family is actually from Dundee which is why I am able to understand all the slang and what Colly is saying when she's mad." He chuckles at the last bit. "Well if ye can understand Colly then ye are definitely meant for her." I say with a laugh. "Here ye go. Just put yer stripes and name tag on it and ye should be good." I say handing him the uniform and taking Claire back from him. "Thanks again." He says as we walk down stairs and he goes into Colly's room tae change. "Now if ye stay over again make sure ye have a clean uniform." I tell him as he walks out of Colly's room. "Will do. Have a good day Baby." He says kissing Colly on the head.

A/N: Conor and Colleen, eh? And little Claire standing😍. Anygays see in the next one. 

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