Chapter #25

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Chapter #25
July 15th 2007
Janet’s POV
“How is the family?” Colonel MacKenzie asks as we eat our lunch. “They are good.” I tell him. I decided not tae tell him that Scarlett won’t talk tae me this past week. “I ken ye Janet what’s wrong?” He asks. “I dinnae ken that’s the problem Scarlett hasnae talked tae me for the past week.” I tell him honestly. “Dae ye mind if I ask a personal question?” He asks. “Yer like a brother tae me I deh mind.” I say. “When was the last time ye two had sex. I ken with Claire it must be hard tae find time alone.” He says and something clicks. “A week and a half ago.” I say wide eyed. “Ye might want tae speak with yer wife. Gonow, we're done for now.” He says and I nod and throw my trash away and run tae my truck.

Maggie’s POV
“Angus ye will take Claire I’m going tae find out what’s wrong with Scarlett.” I tell my husband as we pull into the drive of Janny and Scarlett’s house. “Scarlett dear it’s Gran and Granda.” Angus calls out. “We’re in the kitchen.” She calls back. “Ok Angus ye take her. Scarlett porch now.” I order and she looks shocked at my tone. “This is my house. I love you Gran but you don’t get to order me around in my home.” She says. “Fine Angus, go tae the nursery with Claire.” I say and he nods and takes her tae the nursery. “What is going on Gran? Why is he taking Claire?” She asks. “Why won’t ye talk tae Janny?” I ask getting straight tae the point and she stares at me like an elk in headlights. (A/N: I know that in the U.S.A it’s deer in headlights but elk are more common in this part of Scotland.). “I’m pregnant.” She says. Ok that’s not what I was expecting. “Is it Janny’s?” I ask and she looks shocked by my question. “Get out.” She says coldly. “No. Did ye cheat on my granddaughter?!” I shout. “How could you ask that?” She says. “Well ye said yer pregnant and ye won’t tell her. And when I asked if it was her’s, ye immediately told me tae get out. What am I supposed tae think?” I say. “Of course I didn’t. I’m scared Gran! Claire isn’t even two and when Jan and I have had sex she has been very insistent about protection. I am on the pill and the day you took Claire out for a grandparent and granddaughter day we didn’t use protection. I’m scared she’ll be upset about it if I am pregnant and I don’t even know how I feel about it! I’m scared!” She says as she begins tae sob. “Oh my dear.” I say walking up tae her and wrapping my arms around her. “Have ye taken any tests?” I ask. “No I haven’t.” She tells me. “Dae ye have any in the house or dae we need tae go tae the drugstore?” I ask. “I need tae buy some.” She says. “Ok I’ll come with ye. Let’s go now Angus has Claire so no need tae worry.” I tell her and she nods and I tell Angus that Scarlett and I are going tae the store I deh tell him what for but I’m sure he heard the yelling.

Janet’s POV
I get home and I deh even close the door tae my truck. I just run in the house. “SCARLETT!!” I yell out. “She isnae here.” Granda says from the couch with Claire. She isnae here why? Did she? “Where is she? Granda deh ye tell me she’s left me. How dae I take care of Claire? Granda did she leave me?” I ask hoping she didnae leave me.

Scarlett’s POV
Four negative tests. “I guess I can’t be upset about something I never had.” I say as I start to cry in Gran’s arms we went back to their apartment to take the tests. “Ye have every right tae be upset.” Gran says rubbing my back. “I think it’s best that ye didnae tell Janny that ye thought ye were pregnant. Ye ken how she gets.” She says. “I should tell her I had a scare.” I say. “Aye ye should.” Gran nods. “I need to hold my little girl.” I say. “Ok, let's go back, Angus is probably getting worried.” Gran says. We drove back to the house and when we got back I saw Jan’s truck. The door is still open. She must have forgotten something and is in a rush. When I enter the house what I hear breaks my heart. “Where is she? Granda deh ye tell me she’s left me. How dae I take care of Claire? Granda did she leave me?” I hear Jan say her voice breaking. “Janet she.” He starts but Jan cuts him off. “No I deh want tae hear it!” She shouts and it makes Claire begin to cry. “I went to the store with Gran.” I say walking into the room and she spins around on her heels. “Scarlett tell me what I did please I will make it right please just talk tae me.” She pleads, wrapping her arms around me. “Is it me going back tae work? Does it scare ye? Please mo Ghradh tell me what I did wrong.” She says and I can tell she is crying. “Let’s go to our room for some privacy.” I tell her and she nods. “Mo Ghradh before ye start. I had a talk with Colonel MacKenzie and she said something. Are ye pregnant?” She asks and I want to just crumble. “I thought I was.” I say falling onto the bed. “Thought?” She asks. “Yes. I missed my period this month and I thought that I was pregnant because on that day we didn’t use protection. Yes I’m on the pill but that isn’t always a hundred proof.” I tell her. “Oh.” Is all she says as she sits next to me. “Are you mad?” I ask. “No! No mo Ghradh I’m not mad.” She says pulling me into her and I cling onto her uniform. “Is that why ye wouldnae talk tae me?” She asks. “Yes and I’m sorry I was scared. I didn’t even know how I felt about it. I do now though.” I say trying not to cry. “If ye want more kids I can help ye with that.” She says. “Let’s wait till Claire is older. But I do want more. Do you?” I ask. “I dae.” She nods. “I didn’t know how much I did want to be pregnant till I was looking at the negative tests.” I say breaking down in her arms. “I’ve got ye mo Ghradh. Please talk tae me next time ye have a scare.” She says. “Next time?” I ask. “Well I mean uh the way we go at it. It’s bound tae happen.” She says with a slight chuckle. “Can we have a family I Love Lucy marathon. With just you, me, and Claire?” I ask. “I would love nothing more, I’ll go get Claire will ye get the dvd in?” She says, “I can do that.” I say and she wipes what tears are left on my cheeks before placing a loving kiss on my lips.

A/N: Oop a pregnancy scare. Anygays see you in the next one.  

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