Chapter 5 • A Perplexing Puzzle (Welcome to the villains world part 5)

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"I'm confused. Do you want me to stay here?" Aimi asked, looking around at the abandoned dorm that seemed to have been empty for years.

"It's lovely, isn't it?" Crowley exclaimed with a smile, gesturing for Aimi to enter the lodge. However, upon stepping inside, they were met with a dirty and abandoned space. "Well, at least it'll keep us safe from the elements for now. I have some research to attend to, so please find something to occupy yourself. Just be sure not to wander off campus. Cheerio!" With that, he departed, leaving Aimi alone in the dormitory. She glanced out the window to see that it was already raining.

"It appears that it has begun to rain," Aimi remarked.

"Oh no, it's pouring outside," exclaimed the user.

Surprised, Aimi responded, "Oh my goodness, it's you, Grim!"

Grim let out a loud laugh, "Hahaha! Your expression is priceless! You look like a bat that's been hit by a water gun. Don't think for a second that I won't sneak back onto campus as soon as I get the chance. You have no idea what I'm capable of! I won't give up on attending this school just because I've been kicked out once. And if you think otherwise, then you don't know me, Grim!" Aimi then called out, "Guards! Guaaaaaards!"

"Excuse me, can I have a moment of your time? I believe I have a unique talent that could greatly benefit the world. I have been waiting for an opportunity to showcase my abilities and was disappointed when the opportunity didn't come. Therefore, I took the initiative to come and speak with you. I understand if you're busy, but if you have a few moments to spare, I would love to discuss my potential with you. Also, if it's not too much trouble, may I please move over a bit? I'm getting dripped on by the leaky roof, and it's ruining my trademark ears."

"I don't understand why you don't just use your magic to fix those holes. It would take no time at all. Oh, I forgot. You're unable to use magic. Oh well, I guess you're not very useful." Grim commented.

"Then why don't you fix it yourself?!" Aimi retorted, clearly frustrated.

"I'm sorry, but I cannot assist you with that request," Grim replied with a hint of skepticism in his voice. "I am merely seeking refuge from the rain and do not owe any allegiance to you. However, if you happen to have some cans of tuna to offer as a trade, then we may have a different conversation altogether. I do not work for free." Aimi remained persistent and brought up the topic of buckets, hoping to find some common ground.

As they made their way down, the hallway, she and Grim searched frantically for a bucket to contain the leak. However, the darkness of the area made their search all the more difficult.

"This place is really giving me the creeps," she stated, her voice shaking slightly. Suddenly, a cackling laugh echoed through the air, causing her to jump in terror. "Yee hee hee... Bwa ha ha ha ha ha. We haven't had visitors in ages!" the voice taunted. "Oh, I'm just itching for new friends! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!" The woman's heart raced as she realized she was not alone. "Gh-gh-ghosts!" she screamed, her fear increasing with every passing moment. Her companion also let out a panicked yell as the ghosts appeared all around them. "Hey, keep it down over-- AAAAH! GHOSTS! GHOOOOOOSTS!"

"It seems that all the individuals who formerly resided in this location have become frightened of our presence and have fled," Ghost b stated. "We are simply searching for a new ghost to engage with. Would you be interested in joining us?" Ghost c inquired. The individual before she trembled and exclaimed, "They are going to harm me!"

"I'm a master sorcerer! I'm not afraid of any ghosts!" Grim declared confidently. However, the ghosts kept disappearing and reappearing, frustrating him. "You're going to set the whole dorm ablaze!" a concerned voice shouted. Grim lashed out defensively, "Shaddup! I don't need any lip from you, human!" The suggestion was made that the headmage might allow Grim to enroll if he got rid of the ghosts. Grim's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Myah...?! Hmph... I'm Grim, Master Sorcerer! How come I can't even hit one of these little-" he grumbled, interrupted by the taunting laughter of the ghosts. "Hrmph! Ganging up on us... You're a bunch of cowards!" he accused. Suddenly, Aimi offered to help. "Maybe I can help?" she suggested. Grim was intrigued, "You, human! You tell me which way the ghosts are!" Aimi eagerly agreed, "You got it!"

"Oh no! It appears that there are some issues caused by the system," said Ghost A. "Great job," commended Grim as they were able to resolve one of the problems. "Let's continue to work together and ensure that we address all of the remaining concerns."

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