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-Schnee Manor, 8 years ago-

Nicholas was bedridden after the illness caught up to him. Winter enters the room to see Weiss holding his hand, worried for his health. "Winter, what a surprise for you to visit us. But I am glad you're here."

"Winter." Weiss greets her, happy to see her sister. "I'm relieved to see you, sister." Said Weiss. Winter caressed Weiss by her hair. "I'm happy to see you too, Weiss. Why don't you wait outside for a bit. I need tk have a talk alone with Grandfather." Winter said.

Weiss didn't want to leave her grandfather's side. But she knew it was important to her sister, so she relents. "Okay," Weiss said. As she approached the door, she took one last look at her grandfather and sister. And left the room.

Winter then sat next to her grandfather. "You wish to see me, Grandfather? Don't strain yourself too much. It won't do you any good." Said Winter. Placing her hand onto his. It terrifies Winter to see him in this state. Paler skin, his eyes no longer in ice blue color, only grey. His body feeling numb. But his hands are all he could move while attached to an IV bag. "I'm here too." Assured Winter.

"I'm sorry...that you have to be absent..." Nicholas paused as he began to cough. "From school for today..." He said it between his coughs, Winter knew things are going to get worst. Winter then takes a tea she bought from her dorm and made sure it was warm enough. "Here, it should help your throat." Winter said giving him tea. "No need to apologize, Grandfather. I already notified the General just to see how you're doing. But I have to return to the Academy tomorrow." Winter told him.

Nicholas took a sip of it and his throat began to clear a little. "Thank you, Winter." He said to her. Then he turned to her and took her hand. "My eldest grandchild. What I'm about to tell you is very important. And this is something you will have to face in the future. However, I entrust you with this. This is between you and me. But if you choose to trust someone with the secret, it should be up to you." Advised Nicholas.

Nicholas gave Winter one last present, the one gift Winter had received before his passing. A white-clear teardrop necklace. It may be a small pendant, but it holds a meaning to it. "Another pendant?"

"Not just any pendant. But the true heirloom that I held years ago. Carved by an old friend, who became my enemy. And that former friend swore revenege on our family. Before your mother was born, it was during the first rebellion on Atlas after I founded the Schnee Dust Company."

After Nicholas told Winter his story from the past. He fell asleep, Winter left his room to let him rest before she can head back to the academy. From what Nicholas told her about the enemy who may be planning long beforehand. Winter vowed to keep her guard up.

Staring at the necklace that her grandfather gave her. She was walking through the hallways processing it the long way. But then she unknowingly bumped into Whitley, her youngest brother. "Surprised to see me again, Sister?" He smuged.

Though not bothered by his snarky behavior, Winter knew her father is a bad influence on him. Still, she felt bad for her brother as she has to leave both her siblings behind. She knew both Weiss and Whitley were never on good terms after their elder sister left.

"Whitley." Winter said coldly, but not in a rude tone.

"Not, "Oh, how happy to see you again, little brother?" Cause that's what I am expecting." Whitley said coldly.

"Actually. I am asking how have you been?" Winter asked in a mix of concern for her brother.

"The usual, piano practice, busy meetings and studies. Meanwhile, sister had been moping about Grandfather being bedridden. Mother being a heavy drinker she was. Father...well you know how things go for him." Whitley replied.

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