Part 18

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"Took you long enough."  Bucky says watching as Dr. Strange walked through the gateway. Following him were both Iron Man and Spider-man all suited up.

"Wait, you brought the kid, is that safe??" Bucky questions.

"Hey!" Peter looked indignant as his mask went down.

"He can handle himself, tin man."  Tony says. "Mostly."

"Tin man? Hey You're one to talk." Bucky sassed.

"Cool it." Stephen says. "We need all the help we can get, remember?"

"Yeah yeah whatever." Bucky says.

"I don't think we've met before. I'm Peter, aka Star Lord." He says offering his hand too Spider-Man

"Oh no way! I'm Peter too! I'm Spider-Man."

"Whaaaat?! That's so cool man."

"And you." Peter Parker turned to look at Scott who was standing behind Bucky. "Both of you, I fought you at the airport in Germany. You got really huge!"

"Yeah- yup that was me." Scot says awkwardly as ever.

"Okay you got your guy. I got stark and the kid. Any word on Carol." Stephen asks.

"Oh I got that one." Peter Quill says. "She was apparently really confused because apparently the guys on earth already contacted her. But after explaining the situation I convinced her to come to us instead."

"Thor had to talk to her." Rocket clarified, rolling his eyes.

"Right and when is she getting here?" Stephen asks.

"Everyone! Look who's here!" Thor says walking in with the one and only Captain Marvel in tow.

"Hey everyone." She says with a sudo solute. "Doctor Strange right? Big guy tells me this is your fault. What's the situation exactly?"

"I thought you explained?" Bucky says giving Peter Q a glare.

"I did!" He countered indignantly.

Stephen sighs. "Long story short, Loki was kidnapped by evil Wanda. Said evil witch is trying to leave this reality in search for a new one and do to her methods will more than likely destroy most of if not all of this one."

"Ouch." Carol says. "I thought we had her locked up already?" 

"We did." Tony says. "Until someone, let her out to save their boyfriend."

"He's not! Ugh." Stephen takes a deep breath knowing he had to stay calm. "Stark shut up, everyone listen up. We really only have one shot at this so we can't fuck it up."
"The Scarlet Witch is powerful, and will try to manipulate you without you even realizing it." 

"Don't get hit, and stay on your toes." Bucky adds.

"We don't know much of anything about the space station she's on." Stephen says

"Besides the fact it's a combination of her magic and parts she's been stealing off of earth." Bucky again adds.

"Yes. But more importantly, we don't know the stations lay out. So planning is difficult." Stephen says. "Everyone is to remain with at least one other person until she's subdued. As to avoid getting tricked by personalized illusions."

"Again she will get in your head. Metal helmets or not." Bucky says.

"Any questions?"

It didn't take long to forge the enchantment on the sling ring. Especially when Stephen had Bucky to help keep him focused on the task at hand.
The ship took off so they were now in empty space.

"You sure you can make one of your portals big enough for the ship?" Peter Q asks.

"It's no problem." Stephen says simply.

"Stephen, I've got an idea." Bucky says walking up to him, the book he'd snagged from the sanctum in hand. "Take a look at this." He says pointing at a certain page.

"I don't see why not." Stephen says. "Good idea."

"What are you going to do Mr Barnes uh sir?" Peter Parker asks

Bucky smirks "you'll see."

"Alright we're in position wizard man. Ready when you are!" Peter Q says.

Stephen takes a short breath. Before beginning to cast the spell. Rainbow sparks appearing around his hand as well as outside the ship. A bigger portal than he'd ever been seen making.

As he was doing that Buck was reading out of the book. Using his free hand to mimic the motions he read. 

The portal opened fully, Stephen letting out a sigh of relief.
"Did you do it?" He asks turning to Bucky.

At that moment he had finished the spell, the surrounding walls of the ship shimmering with a light blue glow.

"With any luck, the entire ship should be completely invisible to those outside of it." Bucky says.

"Woah. This is so cool!" Peter Parker says.

"Has he always been able to do that?? He couldn't always do that right?" Tony says.

"Heading into enemy territory. Hold on tight." Peter Q says being as dramatic as ever.

Tony turned to Thor. "Are you going to be alright? Seeing Asgard and all?"

Thor took a breath and nodded. "I will manage. It's for the reality's sake. And for Loki's."

"That's the spirit." Tony says, patting his back.

On the other side of the portal, the three tiered space station of the scarlet witch could be seen. It was a hodgepodge of many kinds of metals, red magic could be seen flowing in-between all the cracks.

"Get us as close as you can, Quill." Stephen says. "I'll make a portal for us to get inside." 

"Will do, will do." Peter says flying the ship up to the space station.

Soon all of them were walking onto the ship.

"So I know you said planning is difficult cause we don't know shit. But what exactly is the plan?" Tony asks.

"We have two goals: find and stop the scarlet witch. And find Loki."

"Uh- guys?" Peter Parker says. "I think I found Loki and uh. He doesn't look too good."
Stephen was quick to run to spider man. Stopping in his tracks when he saw what the boy had found standing in the hallway.


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