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Without seeing Sherlock in months John had become withdrawn from everyday life and was becoming more and more alone, driving past Baker St brought back so many feelings that John couldn't hold back. So when he pulled up outside in the black cab and pouring rain, the tears started rolling down his cheeks. Standing out in the rain John just stared at the black door hoping that a tall, pale-skinned detective would walk out with that same loving smile and inviting eyes to invite him inside. The door stayed shut. John sniffed and took two shivering steps closer his eyes fixed on the door. The rain dripped from John's hair onto his black jacket, rolled down his arm and into his palms. The racing cars behind him splashed water up onto the curb and sunk into the gutters. John still fixated on the door stepped closer and reached for the handle, he hesitated and pulled his arm back sharply and wiped the tears away with his already wet jacket from his sour eyes and looked down at the ground. Suddenly John heard murmuring and a loud bang coming from inside. His head shot up and eyes widened at the thundering noise from inside the flats. John instantly thought of Mrs Hudson and once again reached for the handle. He pressed the handle down slowly and quietly with his tear covered hand, then to hear the creaking of the door he stepped one foot inside. "Mrs Hudson?" John called out, when no reply he stepped the other soaking foot inside and slowly shut the door. He combed his hand through his damp hair shaking the wet off after. "Mrs Hudson?" He called out again just as he realized that the landlady's door had been broken into.

The lock on the door was ripped off and black paint had been scraped away leaving the dark wood underneath. John walked up to the door and ran his fingers across the wood before pushing the door open once again shouting Mrs Hudson's name. No answer. John took a couple of steps into the flat seeing a chair tipped over and a glass smashed on the floor before hearing another thud coming from upstairs, moaning followed. John quickly shot round. Now standing at the end on the stairs John could hear deep voices coming from the floor above but was unable to hear what they was saying. John gripped the black hand gun in the back of his dark jeans and rubbed his thumb along the trigger. John took a deep breath in, and one foot at a time he climbed the stairs without letting go of the weapon in his possession. More mumbling and groaning came from upstairs followed by laughing and shouting. John took several more steps within his reach still having a firm grip on the hand gun. "If you were able to just tell us where he is then we wouldn't be having this problem now would we...?" A man with a deep, raspy voice exclaimed in a loud manner. The voices were coming from Sherlock's flat. With John moving out of 221B due to the disappearance, John and Mrs Hudson decided to keep Sherlock's flat the way it was as John was unable to move anything around as he held on to the desperation of the detective coming back. "So are you going to tell us or are we going to have to continue" This sentence was followed with laughter and a moaning cry. "Why are you protecting him so much? This 'friend' must mean a lot too you" The same voice questioned. John reached the top of the stair case and froze at the top.

Thoughts raced through Johns mind in what was happening inside the flat. Hand still firmly on the gun the Dr peered around the corner to see a tall, broad man facing out of the window dressed all in black with a gun in his left hand. Another man was facing to the left with a scar on his left cheek stretching from his ear to the corner of his mouth; his hand was shaking vigorously whilst he stood there in a grey suit. Moaning came from the other side of the room in the mist of another thud. The man in the grey suit smiled and let out a chuckle. "Come on this is getting tedious... This man can't be that important to you..." The man waited a second before nodding his head followed by another moan. John took another deep breath in, trying not to make any noise. "Just a quick clue to where he may be, then we will leave you alone..." The man in the grey suit looked to the tall broad man, and took the gun from him. He held the gun in his right hand down by his side, with a smirk on his face. "Looks like we are going to have to do this the hard way..." The man pointed the gun at a slight angle near the floor and fired a shot, the gun shot rung through the air and caused John to stumble. Moaning crying was followed after the shot. "Did you hear that?" from Johns stumble he had managed to creak the floor boards. "Go check it out" The tall broad man started walking towards the door, John pulled the gun from his jeans and held his shaking hands out in front of him. As the man emerged from the corner John quickly pulled the trigger but no bullet came from the gun. The tall man laughed "Look who finally showed up..." John stepped toward the man and took a swing at his face, the tall man grabbed John's arms, John struggled and tried to elbow the man from behind but by now the man had Johns arms firmly behind his back with his faced pressed against the floor. As Johns hands were cable tied together the man picked him up off of the floor and pushed him into the detectives flat. The tall man kicked the back of John's leg and he fell to his knees. Johns head hung to the floor, shoulders rolled over and out of breath. "Well detective it looks like we have found your Dr..."

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