No, Not Again

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John ran out of the front door slamming it behind him. He ran straight to the edge of the curb and frantically looked around. The rain dripped off John's ears and nose onto the pavement below. He wiped his face dramatically with his hand and signalled for a cab, the cab bumped the pavement causing for a splash of water onto Johns leg's but the doctor was to entrapped by Sherlock's disappearing too even glimpse down. John jumped into the cab and salvaged his phone from his front pocket.

M: Hello? J: Where is he Mycroft? M: John? What? Who? J: Mycroft don't play dumb with me, I'm not stupid, now where is Sherlock? M: John I- J: Meet me. Now.

John slammed his phone down beside him and clenched his fists, was this really happening again? John stared out of the window, gritting his teeth and wiping his eyes. The cab dropped John off outside an alley way only a little way from 221B. John paced up and down in the rain, waiting. People walked past with umbrellas looking at John, depressed and standing in the cold. John looked across the street to see a couple sitting down in a coffee shop. The couple were laughing and holding hands across the table; John couldn't help but stare and imagine that the couple was him and Sherlock. Sitting together out of the rain, enjoying each other's company. But instead John waits to see whether the love of his live was ever going to see him again. John just stares. Looking at the couple through the dripping wet glass.

A cab pulls up outside the coffee shop, thinking its Mycroft John starts walking towards the cab. "John?" A voice from behind calls out, stopping John. Mycroft stood in the shadow, with his coat on, collar pulled up holding a black umbrella above his head. John confused at first turned around and started walking back towards the alley. "Where is he?" John said whilst walking closer to Mycroft. "John I don't kn-" John ran for Mycroft pinning him up against the wall. With Johns hand around Mycroft's neck John began gripping harder. "Mycroft don't you fucking dare, where is he?" Mycroft dropping his umbrella tried gasping for breath, but with each second John's grip got harder. "Seriously... J- John, I don't know" John let out a scream releasing Mycroft from his grip. John walked over to the other side of the alley and hit the wall, tearing the skin from his knuckles. "John, I am telling you the truth, I have no idea where Sherlock is?" John turned back around. "Was this your plan all along? To break us apart again? Like you did the first time because Mycroft you seem to be very good at doing that... So why should I believe you?!" John got in Mycroft's face and Mycroft tried to step back but his back was against the wall. "Because he left me a note too..." John's face dropped as he backed away from a frightened Mycroft. Mycroft reached into his pocket and pulled out a crumpled and slightly damp piece of paper.


I'll be gone for a while. Make sure John moved out. Keep an eye on him please.


"Is this all he gave you? And why do I need to move out?!" John chucked the piece of paper onto the floor and then watched the paper absorb the rain water. John put his head in his hands as Mycroft watched his blood drip from his knuckles down his wrist. "John I'm sure he's alright, it just seems he's pretty dependent of moving you away..." Mycroft tried to comfort John but John stepped away. "He is not okay! I know he's not okay! I can feel it." Tears fell from John's sour eyes as he cried heavily into his blood ridden hands. "I just, I can't live without him again Mycroft-" Mycroft walked over to John and wrapped his arms around him and John cried into his shoulder. "I just can't." The two men stood there in the rain embracing the fact that someone they both loved may not be seen again. "He obviously wants to keep you safe John, so you need to do as he said." John stayed quiet and still held on tightly to Mycroft. "Has Sherlock ever been wrong?" Mycroft smiled causing John to let out a little laugh and sigh.

John looked down at his hand to see what he had done. "That may be broken you know?" Mycroft looked concerned. "No don't worry, it's just a scratch." Mycroft handed John a tissue from his pocket allowing John to wipe away the blood. Mycroft picket his wet umbrella up from the floor and walked John over to a cab. "Don't do anything else silly." Mycroft chuckled opening the door for John. "Will you please just look into-" John climbed into the cab. "Yes I will, don't worry, we will find him." Mycroft shut the yellow cab door and watched the cab drive away in the rain.

John woke up the next morning and packed his things. He walked into Sherlock's bedroom and stood in the door way looking at where they both laid the night before. John closed the door behind him and locked the door to the fat and made his way down the stairs. Mrs Hudson sat at the bottom. "Are you sure you don't need any help?" Mrs Hudson stood up and walked towards John. "No Mrs Hudson, I'm okay. I'm going to stay at my sisters. I have no idea how this is going to work out but I'm hoping it's just temporary." John replied. "We all do John." Mrs Hudson hugged John as he passed over the keys to the detectives flat and set out in the rain.

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