Chapter 1. Out Of The Ordinary

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As everyone spawns in Grian smiles, its a new life game, he's calling this 7th life. You have 7 lives and the give life command is back. He exsplained this in the letter, this time Scar, Jimmy, Scott, Cleo, Etho, Bdubs, Martyn, Ren, Pearl, Joel, Mumbo and himself would be playing. Grian was very excited, as people spawned in they broke off into small groups and started talking. There seemed to be nothing wrong, well that was until Katherine, Shubble, and Gemini Tay spawned in in place of Pearl, Joel, and Mumbo. The three girls looked as confused as Grian felt.

"Um, that's not supposed to happen," He said, "Hold on I'm gonna quickly make sure I did this right," The three nodded and waited.

Grian pulled up his admin panel only to see a huge red lock over top of it, "Scott?" Grian called, Scott smiled and came over to him.

"Yes?" He asked, running up beside Grian.

"Have you ever seen this before?" Grian asked, turning the panel to his fellow admin.

Only other admins could see an admin panel that didn't belong to them, players could also see the admin panel but it was more of a black rectangle with nothing on it.

Scott looked at the lock confused, "No? That's really weird, why do you need it?"

"For some reason, Gem, Shubble, and Katherine spawned in instead of the three players that I sent invites too and I'm trying to send them home," He explained, Scott nodded and examined the panel.

"It looks almost as if your locked out of your admin powers which should be impossible," Scott said, before pulling up his own panel and seeing another lock.

"That's so strange," Grian said, running his hand along the panel to see if he could scroll or do anything, nothing. "Can we all get in a circle please?" Grian called to his friends, who obeyed very confused, Scott stood beside him. "So I don't know what happened but Shelby, Katherine, and Gem have spawned in and I'm locked out of my admin panel so is Scott, I have literally no clue what's happening so if any of you have a little bit of an idea please tell me,"

Everyone seemed just as confused as Grian, suddenly the ground glowed purple creating a rune in the middle of the circle of people. If Grian didn't know any better he'd just say it was a rune. But he did know better. The Evo symbol sat dead center, glowing ominously. Martyn and Jimmy both shot Grian knowing looks.

"What in the world is that?!" Bdubs exclaimed, jumping back slightly.

"Evo," Was all Martyn responded with, seemingly in a trance, just staring at the glowing rune.

"What's Evo?" Bdubs asked.

"Its the Watchers," Grian responded, "That's the reason I can't get into my panel, they must've taken control,"

Fear and anxiety were filling Grian's body as he stared at the rune. There was too much history he shared with those damned Watchers for him to think this was relatively a good thing.

"Woah woah woah, the Watchers?" Scar questioned, "They took control of the game?"

"If that mark means anything then yes," Grian said, just then everyone's communicators chimed.

Grian pulled his out of his pocket, everyone else following suite. A bone-chilling message appeared in chat.

???: Hello players, as you may have noticed this game is no longer Xelqua's, its ours now. You are at our mercy, this is our entertainment and for our entertainment we decided to have a few new players join. Enjoy. Try not to die.

"I'm assuming we all just saw the same messaged from those...things?" Shelby offered.

"Quick question who's Xel- X- Sel- Xelwua-" Scar after a little bit gave up on trying to pronounce the name. "However you say that! Who is it?"

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