Chapter 1

466 13 2

At Porsche house..(Morning)


Porsche Pov..

Porsche groan as he hears the alarm clock start ringing... Suddenly.. There's a door open... Porsche quickly hide himself inside the blanket and pretend to sleeping... Porchay sit beside his brother and pat Porsche gently and say.. 'phi.. Please wake up na... Today is the day you going to meet a new friends!' Nampheung suddenly show up and say.. 'Yes dear... Porchay is right my son... Today is your first day at school... Come on.. Mae already made a breakfast na kha...' Porsche pop out his head from the blanket and ask with a hoarse voice.. 'Mae... We just move in... I didn't know anyone...What if...' Porchay cut off his older brother words then reply back 'Phi... Please think about positive things... There's nothing to be scared for... Chay sure that Phi Porsche will have a new friends..' Nampheung smile softly as she look at both of her sons... Porsche sigh slowly and say.. 'Fine.. I will get up now.. You both should go back down and wait for Porsche... Porsche will be downstairs in 10 minutes..' Porsche then get up and take a shower meanwhile Nampheung and Chay go back downstairs and wait for Porsche to come down...

10 minutes later..

Porsche come down and see the breakfast is already prepared on the table.. Porchay smile and pull his brother to sit beside him and say 'Phi Porsche... Mae cook our favourite food.... Tom yum and omelette!' Porsche chuckle and stroke Porchay head and reply back 'Mae... Come and eat with us!' Nampheung then reply back 'Yes! Mae is coming na kha!' Nampheung then come back with the mugs in her hands and put it on the table.. Chay then ask 'Phi.. Are you ready to go to your new school?' Nampheung hold Porsche hand and say.. 'My son... Please take care of your self na kha.. Mae always worry about you... Dad only left this house for us before he passed away'.. Tears start to fall out from Nampheung eyes... Porsche wipe the tears away and say 'Mae.. I promise.. I will study hard and.. I already plan to find a job Mae... So that I can provide 3 of us... Don't worry Mae... I can take care of my self..' Porsche smile softly as he hold Nampheung and Chay hands tightly.. 3 of them continue eating peacefully.. Porsche then get up and take the plate to wash and put near the rack... Porsche walk towards the front door and wear his socks and shoes then sling his bag around the neck... Nampheung and Porchay give Porsche a tight hug while Porsche also do the same... Porsche smile and kiss Nampheung and Porchay then say... 'I need to go now.. Please pray for Porsche na krub' Porsche bow and get onto his bike and start up the engine.. Porsche then wear a helmet and start to ride to school... Nampheung smile and hug Chay and go inside to watch tv...

At school...

Vegas pov...

Vegas arrives at the school then park his car near the car park and come put from the car.... Vegas then look at those students with disgust and walk away... Vegas walk towards the canteen and sit there then see a nerd guy and call him to come over.. 'Hey you' while pointing to the nerd guy(Arm).. Arm then point back to himself and walk towards Vegas without any hesitation... Vegas suddenly grab Arm collar then say.. 'Go and buy me a food at the canteen! Im hungry! Vegas then take out the money from inside of his pocket and throw it towards Arm's face... Kinn then throw the money as well and reply back..' Yes.. Go and buy for me too.. I also hungry.. While cross his arms arrogantly.. Pol grab Arm all of a sudden then push Vegas away then yell ' Go and buy the food by yourself! Arm is not your maid!'

A few minutes later..

Porsche Pov..

Porsche finally arrive at the school and look around and speak in his heart 'So.. This is where I will meet a new friends' Porsche then take off his helmet and put it on his bike.. Porsche take his bag and walk towards the school gate and suddenly hear the noise.. Porsche then about to walk but see a student walk pass him and ask.. 'Hey.. Excuse me.. What's going on here?' The other guy just silent and drag Porsche with him to the canteen.. Porsche feel shock as he see Arm and Pol already bleeding.. Pete whisper to Porsche and say 'I will go and find a teacher..Please find a way to help those 2..They are my friends'.. Pete then run away to look for a teacher.. Porsche suddenly yell' Enough!! 'Those cheers suddenly stop as they turn their gaze towards Porsche.. Porsche look at the students with sharp eyes and walk towards Arm and Pol then say..' Get the hell out of here.. I will handle this '.. Arm and Pol walk out from the canteen while Porsche look at Vegas and Kinn with anger..

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