Chapter 15

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At Lireo Palace..

Amihan pov..

Amihan is enjoying the view at the garden.. Alena and Danaya come towards her and sit down with Amihan and enjoying the view as well.. Danaya then ask.. 'Sister Amihan.. are you ok? Amihan stroke Danaya head and nod with a small smile.. Alena then say..' I just wonder what our friend is doing.. Is Carina Im talking about' of the general come towards 3 sisters and say.. 'Excuse me Hara Amihan, Sanggre Alena and Sanggre Danaya.. But you guys have a guests' The general step aside to give them an entrance.. Amihan feel shock as she see her bestie also with her friends come to Lireo.. Amihan run towards Carina and ask.. 'Carina.. How are you? Its have been a long time!' Danaya and Alena hug Erica and Anne.. Eric then whisper to Vegas and Porsche.. 'This is our friends.. Don't worry.. Don't forget to show a respect towards the queen and the sanggre's..

Porsche then ask..'Who is the queen in this Palace?' Before Eric could answer those question..Carina suddenly speak up.. 'Vegas.. Porsche.. Please come forward..' Eric pat Porsche shoulder and say.. 'Don't be afraid.. Off you guys go..' Vegas and Porsche walk towards Carina and Amihan then kneel in front of them... Amihan feel shock and say.. 'No.. Dont kneel please.. Stand up both of you.. Amihan then help Porsche to stand up while the general help Vegas to stand up.. Danaya then look at the general and say..' Hitano.. Please escort them to go inside except Carina.. Also, ask a maids to prepare their needs.. Hitano bow and say..' It shall be done sanggre Danaya.. The rest of you.. Please follow me now.. 'Eric and others walk inside the Palace leaving Carina Vegas and Porsche with the sanggre's.. Alena then ask..' So.. Mind to tell us what is going on right now Carina?We never hate a new friends.. But at least.. Please explain to us.. '

Vegas clear his throat and answers.. 'Its was my fault actually.. I have a bad behaviour.. And I accidentally insulted Carina twin sister.. Her name is Katherine.. I got a curse from Katherine.. Carina managed to free me from those curse.. And as in return.. I must help Carina and her friends to fight against her evil twin sister.. Not only her.. My cousin, Kinn.. Also join her alliance.. We saw through the vision from Carina power just now.. Don't be surprise if I say.. Me and my boyfriend already have a gems.. 'Vegas and Porsche reach out their hands and both of the gems appear as well.. Amihan and her sisters feel shock and look at each other.. Carina frown and ask..'Amihan.. What happen?' Alena then reach out her hand and water gem appear on her hand.. Vegas then say.. 'Its impossible.. Anne also have that gems.. Its really similar to that one!' Danaya and Amihan reach out their hands.. Both air and earth gems appear on their hands.. Vegas and Porsche once again reach out their hands and see the gems appear again..

Amihan then reply with a calm voice and say..' We must call Cassieopeia and Ardes.. I think we should go back into the Palace and ask Grandfather Imaw about this matter.. Maybe he knows something..' Alena and Danaya nod and go inside along with Carina and Vegas.. Porsche decide to stay outside for a few minutes.. Suddenly remember about his mom and Chay.. Porsche then say..' Porsche truly sorry na krub Mae... Porsche promise.. Porsche will return soon...Porsche really miss you both...' Porsche tears start to come out and suddenly see another woman is standing in front of him and ask.. 'Ooh.. Why are you crying young man? Who is hurting you?! That woman suddenly take out her two swords and say..' Tell me.. I will kill that person!'Suddenly.. Danaya come outside and see her older sister.. Pirena is talking with Porsche.. Danaya then say..' Pirena.. Tamana!(Stop).. Porsche run and hide behind Danaya and ask.. 'Who is she Miss Danaya?' Danaya then reply back.. 'Don't worry Porsche.. She is my older sister.. Her name is Sanggre Pirena.. the keeper of a Fire Gem.. Anyway.. You should go inside Porsche.. Vegas is already worry about you now'.. Porsche nod and walk inside the Palace..

Pirena then ask.. 'Danaya.. Who is that man? Do we have a new friend here?' Danaya sigh slowly and say.. 'Please stop focusing on your hunting activity Pirena.. We need to help our friend, Carina.. Let's go inside first..' Pirena nod and keep her swords and walk into the Palace with Danaya..

At main hall..

Amihan look at her guests along with her generals and speak up..' First of all.. For those who didn't know.. I would like to introduce you all to my old friend.. She is Carina.. And those are her friends'..Eric stand up and say.. Hello everyone.. My name is Eric.. Eric then start to point out and say.. 'This is my younger sister.. Erica.. That one is Anne.. David.. And of course.. Our new allies.. Vegas Theerapanyakul and Porsche Kittisawat..' "Vegas and Porsche stand up and give them a bow then sit down again.. Carina then walk in front and stand at the centre and say...' To all Lireo armies.. Me and my friends didn't mean any harm! Besides, we come here to ask for a help!'Erica then stand up and continue..' We are in trouble now because of Katherine and her armies! We didn't have any armies to help us.. Thats why we are here! Eric also stand up and say.. 'I know this fight aren't worth it.. But.. Please think about it again.. If you all at our place.. How do you feel? Have a family but betrayed you in the end..' Amihan look at them with a worry and sigh heavily.. Vegas suddenly stand up.. 'Actually.. This is the reason why Im here with them.. Katherine gave me a curse! Carina help me to cure this curse.. Im lucky to have Porsche by my side.. I owe Carina a debt so I decided to join this fight along with Porsche too!My cousin also involved in this matter.. I need to fight so that I can save my cousin before its too late! 'Porsche then speak up..' Im just a human.. But thank you to Carina and her friends.. Im able to discover more about my self... Im doing this not for myself but to my Mother and my younger brother.. This is the least I can do to protect them! Who are with us?!' All the general cheers towards them and yell..' Long Live Lireo!! 'Vegas and Porsche smile at each other while Carina smile at Eric and her friends.. Amihan walk towards her sister and say..' We must prepare for the battle.. Lets help them my sisters '... Pirena nod and smile..

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