Chapter 12

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After 10 minutes later..

Eric and Erica returns with the potion and give it to Vegas.. Vegas frown and ask 'What is this?' Carina then reply back.. 'Drink that potion Vegas.. Im sure you didn't want to go to school with that kind of appearances.. Am I right?' Vegas then look at Porsche with anxious.. Porsche touch Vegas cheek gently and say.. 'Its ok my love.. Go ahead.. You should drink that potion.. I believe in Miss Carina words'.. Carina then continue.. 'If that potion can't help you out...just kill me already..'Everyone look at Vegas with anxious expression... Vegas take a deep breath and speak in his heart' I hope this potion really can help me out.. It need to be working! It must! I want my old self back! 'Without wasting any time.. Vegas then drink the potion with 1 shot.. Vegas walk towards the mirror and feel shock as he see his hair start to appear.. also his face already free from the tattoo.. Porsche then run towards Vegas and quickly hug him from behind and say.. 'Vegas... You are back!' Carina and others smile while looking at them.. Vegas then turn around and hug Porsche tight and kiss his forehead and cheek.. Eric chuckle and say.. 'OK guys.. Enough with the kiss.. You both can have a lovey dovey moments later.. We have a lot of things to discuss right now..' Vegas then hold Porsche hand and walk back to the table and sit and ask.. 'What do you want to discuss about?' Erica smile and reply back.. 'Actually.. We need you both to help us so that we can defeat Katherine army..' Carina then reply back.. 'Lets go to the secret room.. We also have something to give to you both.. Follow me' Vegas and Porsche then get up and follow Carina to the secret room.. Anne then whisper to David and say 'Im so excited for this'..

As they arrive.. Carina insert the key and open the door then say.. 'Please do come in everyone..' Vegas.. Porsche.. Eric.. Erica.. Anne and David go inside the room and look around.. Vegas and Porsche feel shock then look at Carina with a confuse expression.. Carina chuckle and say.. 'Welcome to the weapon room.. Please wait here..' Carina then walk towards the shelf and take out the wooden box and walk towards the glass table.. Eric then say.. 'Dont forget to open the box Carina.. Cassieopeia left those precious gems to you..' Vegas then ask.. 'Cassieopeia? Who is Cassieopeia? Why her name sounds weird?' Porsche hit Vegas mouth gently and shake his head as Porsche give Vegas a signal to stop asking 'David then reply back..' Well.. Cassieopeia is our friend.. I really hope that she is here with us now.. Cassieopeia and Ardes gave those gems to Carina.. In case.. Carina want to use those to defeat Katherine's army.. We also will use a weapon to fight those army.. Right now.. We are looking for a help... But.. Who will do that for now? Who wants to help us? No one.. You both still have a time to change your decision..

Erica hugs David arms and say.. 'Everything will be ok.. Trust me..' Porsche then ask..' there anything that we can help you guys? Me and Vegas will try our best to help..' Vegas nod and reply back.. 'I will ask my cousins to join the fight.. If you guys can accept them..I will talk to them about this matter..' Carina then call out her members then say.. 'Everyone! Please come here!' All of them walk towards the glass table and see the gems are floating in the air.. Porsche suddenly feel excited and touch the golden yellow gem and say.. 'Wow.. this gem are so beautiful..' Vegas then touch the blue gem and say.. 'Even this gem as well.. Im sure these gem have a name isn't it?' Eric then reach out his hands and the red gems suddenly appear.. Vegas and Porsche feel shock and look at Eric.. Eric smile and say.. 'Well.. This red gems is call as a Fire Gem..To be honest.. I never use this.. I just keep it to my self and decide to use this until the right time comes'.. Anne then reach out her hands and the green gems also appear.. Carina then say.. 'That green gems is call as a Water Gem.. If Anne want to use a water to destroy Katherine army.. She can use that gems to summon a water..' Vegas then ask.. 'Erm.. What about David and Erica? Why they didn't have those gems? Erica smile and answer back..' I only use a weapon with a sheild.. Eric also a witch and.. he is the one who trained me.. I can show you my power if you guys allow me.. 'Erica then reach out her hands above her head and suddenly there's a light come out from her hands.. Carina then say..' Erica can shield her self by using her own power.. Its amazing right? 'Porsche smile and nod while Vegas clear his throat and ask..' What about these gems? 'Carina then reply..' Give me your hand Vegas.. 'Vegas reach out his hand toward Carina as Carina recite a spell.. Suddenly..the golden yellow gems floating in the air and come towards Vegas and floating above Vegas hand..

Carina then say..' this golden yellow gem is call as an Earth Gem.. This gem also have a healing power.. Please take care of that gem Vegas.. Don't let that gem slip away.. If that gem fall into the hand of our enemy.. We will be in trouble..' As for you Porsche.. I give this blue gem to you.. This blue gem is call as an Air Gem..' Porsche reach out his hand and see the air gem already floating above his hand.. Porsche then speak in his heart and say.. Please take me back to my house'.. Porsche suddenly dissappear from the room.. Vegas start to feel panic and ask.. 'Where is Porsche?! Where did he go?! Carina! Help me to find Porsche!' Carina then use her power and suddenly the image is appear.. Eric smile and say 'Your Porsche is already safely arrive at his house.. There he is Vegas'.. Vegas breath out of relief and say.. Well.. Thank you so much for this Carina.. I will see you guys again tomorrow.. 'Erica then reply back' Be careful Vegas.. Please take care of my little Porsche! 'Anne laugh and hit Erica shoulder while Carina remain silent.. Carina then say..' Tomorrow.. We will go and meet my friends.. Please take care of your self.. And.. Please keep an eye on Porsche too.. I will see you both tomorrow.. 'Vegas bow and leave the institute..

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