Chapter 22

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At Vegas house..

Vegas pov..

Vegas and Porsche safely arrives at their house... Porsche go in and look around and smile softly then say.. 'Its really good to be back'.. Vegas walk towards Porsche and hug Porsche from behind and kiss his cheek and neck as well on Porsche shoulder.. Porsche look at Vegas and touch Vegas cheek and say... 'I know sweetheart.. I know... Im right here... Im with you now..' Vegas put his hands in Porsche boxer and massage Porsche junior gently and say.. 'I can't hold it anymore my love... I miss you so damn much... I will punish you for tonight..' Porsche close his eyes as he feel much pleasure come and moan.. 'Aah.. V.. Vegas...' Vegas kiss Porsche lips deeply while carrying Porsche while Porsche hug Vegas neck tightly as Vegas teleport to their room and shut the door.. Vegas then take off Porsche clothes and throw it on the floor.. Vegas put Porsche on the bed and massage Porsche junior again and again.. Porsche moan hard and say.. 'Vegas.. Please.. Aaaah.. I.. I want to...' Vegas cover Porsche hole and take towel and cover Porsche private area and keep massage it.. Porsche hug Vegas neck and look at Vegas with full of love... Vegas then lick Porsche nipple and go down to his stomach while massage his junior even harder.. Porsche hiss in pain and say.. 'Vegas... Its hurt.... Aaaah..' Vegas pull a towel a bit from Porsche private area and lick Porsche junior gently... Porsche stroke Vegas head and smile softly at him then say.. 'Im all yours Vegas Theerapanyakul... Im yours forever...' Vegas suck Porsche junior and make Porsche moan again and say.. V.. Vegas.. Vegas.. Mmmhh.. Aaaah.. Porsche cum in Vegas mouth as Vegas suck it again and again... Porsche then say.. 'Vegas... Please.. Please baby.... Mmmhh...' Porsche is panting while look at his beloved with a begging expression.. Vegas smile and say.. 'Lay down now sweetheart..' Porsche then lay down and let Vegas put Porsche legs on Vegas shoulder and start to thrust Porsche slowly.. Porsche tears come out from his eyes and say.. 'Hurt... Its hurt Vegas....'Porsche look at Vegas and cry... Vegas thrust Porsche slowly and say..' It's ok sweetheart.. Its OK.. Im here baby.. 'Porsche look at Vegas and stroke his cheek gently and feel Vegas already hit Porsche spot.. Porsche then moan again and say..' Mmmhh..aaaah.. L.. Love.. Please.. 'Vegas then ask..' Porsche... Please what sweetheart?'..Porsche then say..' Release in me my husband... 'Vegas kiss Porsche lips deeply and thrust Porsche again and again until Vegas cum inside Porsche... Vegas then cover back Porsche private area and continue massage Porsche junior while put Porsche head on his chest and ask...' What happen to you my love..?'Please explain to me so that I can understand the whole story.. Porsche then stroke Vegas cheek and reply...' Im tired Vegas..'Vegas smile as he continue massage Porsche junior and say..' Its OK sweetheart... Im right here now... Porsche then say.. 'Don't stop.. Aaaah... Vegas...Vegas continue playing with Porsche junior while Porsche smile as he look at Vegas.. Vegas then say..' sleep now Porsche.. Don't be afraid anymore.. Im right here.. Porsche then hug Vegas and start to fall asleep..Vegas then put the wet towel inside of the laundry basket and sleep with Porsche...

2 hours later...

Porsche wake up slowly and see Vegas is still sleeping... Porsche stare at Vegas beautiful face and smile softly.. Vegas then open his eyes and see Porsche begging expression again... Vegas chuckle and ask.. 'Porsche... Aren't you feel tired hmm?' Porsche smile and say.. 'Please.. my husband...' Vegas laugh and appear a towel and cover Porsche private area and massage Porsche junior again... Porsche close his eyes and moan then say.. :Aaaah.. Daddy... Mmmhh.. Baby Porsche want Daddy... 'Vegas laugh at Porsche then continue to massage Porsche junior and kiss Porsche lips softly and stroke Porsche cheek gently... Porsche then put his head on Vegas chest and trace Vegas whole face with his finger.. Vegas kiss Porsche fingers while playing with Porsche junior.. Porsche then say... 'Just now.. You asking me.. What is actually happened to me.. Am I right my love?' Vegas nod and massage Porsche junior while listening.. Porsche then answers back.. 'After we returned from Lireo.. We went to your house and had a conversation.. Then, I gave you a warm tight hug.. At that time.. I feel that.. I don't want to let you go.. Because.. I started to feel.. I will die anytime soon... After that... I went back to my house.. Vegas continue massage Porsche junior while looking at him.. Porsche look in Vegas eyes deeply and say.. 'As soon as I arrived at my house.. I saw the gate is already wide open... I rushed into the house and see my house is messy... And my mom and Porchay are no where to be found... I used my power from the air gem to see the image of my mom and Chay.. And guess what? Katherine kidnapped them both... And I believe Kinn was behind all this.. Vegas stroke Porsche shoulder and kiss his forehead and say.. 'Continue my love..'

Porsche then reply back.. 'I went to Katherine Palace to fight those army's..Actually.. my plan was.. I want to take Mom and Chay with me but I keep got attacked.. Suddenly, Erica appeared and rescue me.. At that time.. My ribs already bleeding.. Erica used her power and teleported us away to Lireo.. Erica managed to make me unconscious for a while and return to Katherine palace to resume the fight.. Right after I woke up.. I realize that Erica already interfere between my fight with Katherine.. Without wasting time.. I went back to Katherine Palace and resume the fight and asked Erica to leave so that she can be save... Erica then left me all alone and I fight until my last breath.. The moment I lost my breath.. Katherine asked me to give my air gem to her.. I took out those gem and summoned it to you along with the whisper.. 'I love you.. My love Vegas.. I said that to everyone and slowly dissappear.. That is why.. Im already dead by the time you found me...

Porsche suddenly hear Vegas is crying in silence.. Porsche then sit properly and rest his head near the head bed and put Vegas head on his chest and kiss Vegas forehead and say.. 'Shh.. Shhh.. My love.. Im truly sorry na krub.. I didn't mean to make you cry.. Please forgive me na..' Vegas also sit in front of Porsche and hold Porsche hands and say.. 'Porsche... Lets start a new life with me ok? I promise.. I will be a good husband for you.. I love you very much Porsche.. I can't lose you anymore...' I don't want to.. Vegas cry harder than before.. Porsche bring Vegas to him and hug Vegas then say.. 'Yes.. Vegas... I will.. I want to have a new life with you..' Vegas wipe his tears then say.. 'Lets have a shower together ok?' Porsche smile and nod slowly.. Vegas carry Porsche and walk towards the bathroom and lock the door.. Vegas hold Porsche hand and pull Porsche towards him and stand under the shower and kiss Porsche lips deeply.. Porsche hug Vegas neck as Vegas turn on the shower.. Porsche moan again as Vegas start to massage Porsche junior.. Vegas then say.. 'I love how you look at me Porsche... Your eyes look very gentle..' Porsche lean towards the wall and say... 'More my husband.. Aaaah.. Please...' Vegas smile and kneel down in front of Porsche and look at Porsche once again.. Porsche stroke Vegas head and nod.. Vegas lick Porsche hole and bite it a bit.. Porsche gasp and stroke Vegas head while look at him with a love.. Porsche then say..' Husband... My husband... Please.. Please... Aaaah..' Vegas then smile and ask.. 'What do you want from me hmm?' Porsche hit Vegas shoulder and cry... Vegas laugh and stand in front of Porsche while massage his junior and ask.. 'Is this what you want hmm?' Porsche hug Vegas neck and wrap his legs around Vegas waist and touch their foreheads and say.. 'I need you my husband... Now..' Vegas push Porsche near the wall and say.. 'Hold on to me my Porsche..' Porsche hug Vegas neck as Vegas thrust Porsche again and again.. Porsche then moan.. 'Aaaah.. Baby... I.. I want to.. Aaaah..' Vegas then say.. I know baby.. Hold on a bit ok?' Porsche shake his head as Vegas thrust him.. Porsche then say..' I.. Aaaah... I want to marry you Vegas Theerapanyakul.. 'Vegas smile happily and keep thrusting Porsche again and again until both of them reach their climax.. 15 minutes later.. Both of them come out from the bathroom and dry their hairs and lay down on the bed and rest...Porsche pull up the blanket to cover both of them.. Vegas kiss Porsche forehead and lips softly then say..' Tomorrow.. Lets go and meet your mae and Chay na.. After that.. We will go and visit my Pa and Macau..' Porsche suddenly silent for a few minutes.. Vegas smile at Porsche and say.. 'Its ok baby.. Im here with you.. Now.. Lets have a proper sleep ok.. I know you are really tired..' Porsche stroke Vegas cheek and say.. 'Only you can make me feel that kind of tired..' Vegas chuckle and start humming a lullaby for Porsche... Both of them fall asleep together..

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