Chapter 16

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At main family house...

Kim pov..

Kim laying on his bed while thinking about Porsche.. Kim then speak in his heart.. 'Porsche.. I just wonder what are you doing there right now? Are you alright there? Are you safe? Please come back to me as soon as possible..' Suddenly.. Kim get up as he see a woman with a long purple dress is standing in front of him.. Kim then ask.. 'Who are you and what do you want from me, woman? The woman then reply..' Don't be afraid my child.. My name is Cassieopeia.. If you want to see your beloved Porsche.. You must come with me.. Come and join our allies at Lireo Palace.. Vegas and Porsche are there now.. Lireo soldier will train you so that you can join the fight with Katherine's armies..Im telling this because you must fight for your older brother as well.. Lets go my child..'Kim nod and say..' Lets go Cassieopeia... 'Cassieopeia hold Kim and teleport to Lireo..

At Lireo main hall..

Amihan pov..

Amihan is talking with Carina while Alena.. Danaya and Pirena are talking to Eric and others.. Suddenly..Grandfather Imaw come and join with the sanggre's and say.. To all sanggre's.. Please take out your gemstones!.. The guests need to take out their gemstones as well!'.. Vegas Porsche Anne also Eric take out their gemstones along with the sanggre's.. Imaw then continue..' To all keeper of the gemstones.. I hope you all will use these gemstones for good! Please use these gemstones to protect Lireo and also protect the people who you love the most! Long Live Lireo!' Alena then ask.. 'Grandfather Imaw.. Have you seen Cassieopeia? I thought she was here..' Imaw smile and say.. 'Cassieopeia is on her way with another man.. He is someone who is close to those guys'.. While pointing out to Vegas and Porsche..Amihan frown and start to think hard.. Pirena Alena and Danaya are remain silent while waiting for Cassieopeia..

After a few minutes later..

Cassieopeia arrives at Lireo Palace along with Kim and Ardes.. Kim feel shock as he look at everyone.. Porsche quickly grab Kim from Cassieopeia and hug Kim tightly and say.. You are here Khun Kim..'Kim kiss Porsche head gently and nod.. Vegas then ask..' Is that Cassieopeia? She is the one who bring you here?'.. Kim nod and say.. Yes.. She is the one who asked me to follow her.. So here I am now'..Alena then ask.. Cassieopeia.. Ardes.. We have something to ask.. Its about our gemstones.. We have a similar gemstones like our guests have.. Do you know anything about this matter? 'Ardes smile and answers..' Actually.. A long time ago.. Cassieopeia and I decided to create a lot of gemstone.. Then.. I asked Cassieopeia to give those gemstones to 4 sanggre's and also to Carina and her friends.. Now.. I believe that Vegas and Porsche also have those gemstones.. Its not only that.. Those gemstones will help to protect you from danger and also from enemies.. Use it properly and do not let those gemstones slip away from you'..Ardes step aside to give Cassieopeia a turn to speak up.. Cassieopeia then say.. Kim Kimhan.. Please step forward.. 'Kim take a deep breath and walk towards Cassieopeia and look at her.. Cassieopeia take Kim hands and start to recite a spell... Kim suddenly feel something appear on his hands and ask..' Is this a gemstone Cassieopeia? What is this for? 'Cassieopeia smile and answers back...' From now on.. You will have a power too.. You can appear.. And dissappear.. You also can teleport anywhere.. And you will join the fight with Lireo's soldier.. Vegas and Porsche as well.. 'Kim nod and say..' I will take care of this gemstone Cassieopeia.. Thank you.. 'Kim how and walk back towards Vegas and Porsche..

Eric look at Porsche from distance and walk towards him and say..' Porsche.. Let's go and take a walk outside shall we? 'Vegas then say..' Its ok Eric... I will take him with me.. Just mind your business Eric.. 'Kim chuckle and walk away from the hall then walk outside to take a fresh air.. Porsche then sit down on the bench while thinking about his mom and Chay... Kim then sit beside him and ask..' What are you thinking about hmm? 'Porsche smile and say..' Its nothing Khun Kim.. Don't worry about me na krub.. Im fine..'Vegas then see another general walk towards Kim and Porsche and say..' Excuse me Mr Kim and Mr Porsche.. Hara Amihan is looking for you both and Mr Vegas.. She and Carina already waiting in the weapon room'..Vegas walk towards them and say.. 'Lets go guys.. We will have a training later..' Kim and Porsche nod and teleport with Vegas to the weapon room...

Inside the weapon room..

Carina and Amihan along with Eric.. Anne Erica and David are looking for a weapon.. Then.. Vegas Porsche and Kim suddenly appear and look around.. Amihan smile and say.. 'Everyone.. You guys are free to take any weapon.. Theres a sword.. Wooden stick.. And also a spear..' Carina then ask.. 'What about you Hara?(Queen).. Amihan smile and reply back..' I already have it.. Don't worry.. 'Porsche then ask..' Even others too? 'Amihan nod and smile softly towards Porsche..' Carina then say...'Choose your weapon properly.. I will see you guys later..' Vegas then take a stick while Kim take a sword.. Suddenly.. There's a sword flying towards Porsche.. Without wasting time.. Porsche quickly catch it.. Eric smile and say.. I will train you Porsche.. David Anne and Erica.. You guys train Vegas and Kim.. We don't have to practice here..let's go back to institute and practice there.. 'Kim smirk and reply back' You don't have to trouble yourself Mr Eric.. Its doesn't matter how hard you try to get close to Porsche.. You need to get through us first.. Stay away from Porsche!'Kim push Eric away and drag Porsche out from the weapon room.. Anne look at Eric then sigh heavily... Erica quickly pull Eric from Vegas and say..' Please forgive Eric, Vegas.. He didn't mean to.. 'Vegas chuckle and say..' Don't worry about Porsche, Eric.. He isn't alone.. Me and Kim will take a good care of Porsche.. But.. If I see you or others do something bad to Porsche.. I won't hesitate to kill you.. Because in this team.. I trust no one.. 'Vegas roll his eyes and leave as well.. David then say.. You better save yourself Eric.. If anything happen to you.. We wont help you..' Anne Erica and David leave the weapon room.. Eric then stay in the room for a few minutes then leave..

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