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Tw: cursing

Y/n pov:

I have ascension every character and their weapon got every if their friendship to max I have done everything is this the end?

"What the fuck! Your telling me there's no commission no quests nothing?! The hell! Is this the end! Ughh" you said to your self sudden you got a mail

"Oh a mail?" You said and clicked the mail it says written

'hello there fellow traveler! It seems that you've finished our game, would you like to continue to explore? It's a special opinion'

Yes or no

"Hold on- special opinion?! Hell yeah!" You said

Yes or no

Just as you clicked yes your computer begin to shine like there was sun infront of you "what the hell!" You said while closing your eyes after the brightness disappear you opened your eyes

You were in water you shock "Jesus Christ?! Is this how am I going to die?!??!" You thought to your self suddenly a rope is getting you into the island you recognize this scene it was aether and paimon! But your in paimons place?!
After aether pull you out of the water

"Are you okay?" Aether asked

"Damn it! I was almost about to drown! Anyway I'm not okay I was about to drown" you said

"I-i see forgive me" aether said in a sad tone

"Woah! I'm not blaming you tho anyway what's your name?" You said trying not to be suspicious

"Oh.. I'm aether how about you?" Aether said

"I'm y/n l/n! But you can call me y/n" you said

"I see" aether said

"Anyway I don't think you are from here.." you said dumbly

"Oh you see.. I'm not from this world.." aether said
You made a fake shock face

After aether stared explaing

"I see separate from your sister huh.." you said

"If you don't mind I'll be your guide there's no problem right?" You said

"Not at all!" Aether said.

"Anyway let's go to one of the status of the seven" you said

"A-alright" aether said

After you two go to one of the status of the seven after aether touched the statue a blue light goes inside his body just like the game which was good

"Let's go the city of the seven shall we?" You said

"Yeah sure!" Aether said happily

After you two go a middle there was someone talking

"Aether I think we should not go ther-" you said mid sentence

"It'll be alright!" Aether said and he pulled you even though you warned him you saw venti and dvalin talking but something wasn't right..

"It'll be alright!" Aether said and he pulled you even though you warned him you saw venti and dvalin talking but something wasn't right

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(Pls ignore andrius 😭)

When you saw Dvalin in his human form your jaw dropped "this didn't happen in the game?!" You thought yourself shocked

Aether made a noise which caused dvalin to roar

"Who goes there?!" Venti said in a angry tone

(Imma skip some)

After some time you two made your half way to mondstad you smell fire.. PYRO! ITS AMBER!
Ambers bow was coming towards you two but you dodge it
"Stop there! Sneaking to mondstad without a tra-" amber stoped at mid sentence

"Your grace?" Amber said shocked

'huh??? Your grace who the hell is that!' you thought to yourself confused

(See you in next chapter!)

Words: 550

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