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After some time you two made your half way to mondstad you smell fire.. PYRO! ITS AMBER!
Ambers bow was coming towards you two but you dodge it
"Stop there! Sneaking to mondstad without a tra-" amber stoped at mid sentence

"Your grace?" Amber said shocked

'huh??? Your grace who the hell is that!' you thought to yourself confused


"Hold on.. the grace has only once descand teyvat! So who are you imposter?!" Amber yelled

"Girl chill! I'm no imposter this is how I was born!" You said

"Yeah! Y/n isn't a imposter that your talking about" aether said

"How dare you?! Using the grace name! Not only you are looking like the grace but using their name also!" Amber said in a cold tone

"Girl! My name is y/n l/n! And who is this grace your talking about huh?!" You said confused

"Do not use the grace full name! You filthy imposter!" Amber said angry

Just as amber said that dvalin came out of nowhere and pick you up in his human form

"What the hell! Where you taking me?!" You said

"Your grace forgive me for my rudeness but there's no time to explain!" Dvalin said worried

"Hey you dragon where you taking y/n?!" Aether yelled angryily

Aether kept flying against dvalin but dvalin was to strong and aether was weak in here so dvalin float away aether lost

"I-i lost?.. I lost y/n?.. I won't ever see them again?.." aether was breaking down

"Hey are you alright? I can't believe you get against the dragon! At least the imposter is gone!" Amber said

Aether was crying he never cried this much in his life this was the first time

"Hey let's go to mondstad now! Surely everyone is probably happy!" Amber said

Aether stopped crying and there was rage at what amber said aether decided to play along and betray every region after helping them..

~    after amber took aether to monstad and amber told every one about the imposter  ~

"Wow what a relief! The imposter is probably gone!" A random npc said

"I know right?" Another npc said

"Surely the imposter will die!" A kid said

Y/n's pov:

"So um dvalin was it?" I said

"Yes your grace" dvalin said

"Soo.. can I go back?" I said

"Your grace I'm not allowing that" dvalin said

"But aether is waiting for me!" I said

"If you go the people will surely kill your grace and I can never forgive myself for that" dvalin said

"Then how about I disguise myself? Surely the others won't know!" I said

"... But if you die I'll never forgive my self.." dvalin said

"I'm sure I'll be fine! Now cheer up!" I said with a smile

".. alright then.." dvalin said

I disguise myself I put a scarf around my face I wear a black clothing

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