to live without

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"Thorns have roses"
"Roses have thorns"
Tell me which should i lean on
They say "think positive"
But i don't seem to be thinking at all
When all that fell feels so real
The brokenness, the cut, the pain
I guess I'm just so used to it all
Is it possible to feel so much
So to it be normal now
I'm like the rose
Or should I say it's thorns
The sweetest fragrance of its petals
And weirdly i seem to enjoy each prick of a thorn
I'm stuck between the beauty of both
Cause i don't seem to differentiate them
Both felt so right
One incomplete without the other
Grew up with roses
But thorns became family
Is it weird to feel pain so familiar
They say one with a heart only feels so much
But i can't feel my own heartbeat
Maybe it's yet to grow
Or maybe i had one
But it disappear among the pain
I don't know it either
Maybe I'll just have to live through the hurt
Grow another heart or maybe live without one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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