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Can't he just let me live in peace for a single day? Ever since i met him my life has became hell! Legit HELL. i don't know how will i keep up my cool in front of him for more time but i have to if I don't want to face maa's wrath. I thought to myself as i eyed him growing impatient as time passed. *honk honk* he honked again.

"Will you please stop daydreaming and would kindly step aside?"
"Why should i? is this college yours too? Just like you announced how your house is very much yours" i replied sassily and folded my hands.
"You are literally standing in the middle of the college entrance." he said while his eyes held no emotions just like face.
I immediately took a step back and started fumbling with words "I-No-wha-ughhh"
"If you are done with playing jumble words by yourself then will you do a favour to me by don't wasting my time?" he said his voice laced with annoyance and irritation.

I finally did what he asked me to do.
as soon as i stepped aside, he zoomed towards the college parking lot. Before i could ruin my day by giving the previous interaction much thought I walked towards my classes. I met my friends outside the lecture hall.

"yaar did you see that pretty boy?" Meera said which caught my attention.
"are you talking about the guy in the parking lot?" Sakshma asked
"yeahhhh my gurlll" said meera
"Advika did you not see him?" They both asked me at the same time
"No but wait is he so handsome that meera you did not notice your phone which is ringing since past 5mins" i replied giggling.
"Oh my god it's bhai" meera said in a scared voice. "Chill meera it's not like he is a monster who will eat you by coming out of your phone" sakshma snickered while i chuckled.
"Drop him a text and say that you will call him after class" i gave her an idea to escape the situation. she nodded and we three went into class. We sat in the middle and took out our supplies.

As it was our first day,We only had one class today. We decided to spend our time in canteen. After getting to canteen, i ordered a sandwich, meera ordered a cold coffee and sakshma asked for a burger. "You know my one friend said that the pretty boy was late to his class" meera told us the fact we knew we did not need. "How do you even know this? Isn't today our first day at college?" I rose a brow and questioned her. "I have resources baby girl" she said with a cheeky smile. "WELL TELL US THE REASON ALREADY!!" sakshma asked meera over enthusiastically. I just rolled my eyes at her interest to know the tea.
"Today was the first time he was late to his class ever since he enrolled into the college and the reason for it was..." Meera took a long dramatic pause before the telling the reason "that he got into an argument with a girl at the entrance and boy she did not let him leave that easily" she said. I immediately choked on my sandwich. "Are you okay?" "Eat carefully" they both said in concerning voice. I tried to get normal and not reveal that the girl who argued with their pretty boy was me:)

suddenly we heard alot of noise coming from canteen's entrance. people were gathered around the entrance like there was some celebrity who was in our college. They started making a path for someone to enter. i was just focusing on my food because i couldn't stop thinking about how easily i start arguing with him and how it's all his fault. well ig it should be...

I heard some girl from behind asking someone that "viraj how did you tolerate that weirdo? How did she has the guts to argue with you?" viraj. VIRAJ? my ears suddenly perked up to hear the conversation. I hoped it wasn't the same viraj i was thinking about. I was feeling some looking at me but i brushed off the feeling.
A guy who was my batchmate came towards me and greeted me. "Hi"
"Advika" "yes?" "He greeted you"

That guy laughed and said "you are cute". I blushed red. "Thank you" i said awkwardly while looking at anywhere but him. "I am ved. it was nice meeting you advika" he gave me a lopsided grin. "How-how do you know my name?" My two friends who were sitting in front of me suddenly face palmed themselves. Meera said "did we just not called you with your name?" "Doesn't he have ears? Ofcourse he would've heard" said sakshma. I just gave them an awkward smile. Im such a dumbass.
ved asked us if he could sit with us as he made no new friends today which was understandable. We all talked and laughed while talking about alot of things. I enjoyed ved's company alot.

As i was talking, out of the blue meera asked "do you guys also see pretty boy looking at advika or am i hallucinating?" We all followed her gaze. Oh my god! Boy he was really looking at me, more like glaring. But what did i do? I thought to myself. I thought harder because maybe i did something and then forgot about it? After running my brain at high speed it started hurting so i stopped. "Advika do you know him?" Ved asked me. "ME? Ah ah," i contemplated that should i tell them about me knowing him or not. I decided the latter and said "I don't talk to such khadus people. How would i know him??. He looks soo rude just by looking at him" i said.

we left the canteen and decided to part ways. Today was really good. I was smiling and waited for aki to come pick me up. The sky was blue and weather was sunny. I felt content. I was scared about my first day but it went really well. I was thinking about my friends and thought about ved. He was like a dog. extrovert, cheerful and lovely. He had such golden retriever energy which just matched mine. HE EVEN LOVED TAYLOR SWIFT AS MUCH AS I DID. As i was lost in thoughts someone honked really loud and i got scared. "Aki can you stop scaring me for a day?" I said to him as he came out of the car to open passenger side door for me to sit. "Nauhh nevahh" he said acting like a british man which he failed miserably.

"you know how many British people will commit arson if they heard your accent?" I sat in the car and asked him to just start the car

he gave me side eye but nonetheless started the car. We both sang along to taylor swift and reached home.
as soon as i entered the house, i greeted maa and told her about my day but kept out viraj's part. She listened to me carefully, asked me to change my clothes and have lunch. I did what she said and then took a nap as i was super tired after coming back.

I woke up in the evening and drank coffee. I got a call from ved. I went to my room to talk to him while enjoying the breeze coming from window. I was laughing alot like alot because he was cracking such good jokes. Out of the corner of my eye i saw viraj on his side of window too. He didn't look angry as he did back in canteen. I wondered why was he glaring at me. Ved cracked a lame joke again. I laughed and said " ved you are so lame" between my laughter. Vijay closed his window with a bang. I flinched hearing the sound.

is this guy bipolar? one moment he is okay then one moment he gets angry...

after laughing at ved's lame joke, we said bye and cut the call. I did not have much work to do so i decided to read a book. The book was so cute and the characters were wholesome. There was a moody cat in book too who hated everyone and was cold as ice. She reminded me of viraj. They both were quite similar. I putted the book down because maa called me downstairs to have dinner. After eating aki's brain for dinner (just kidding) i came back in my room. I was feeling sleepy. I did my night time routine. I went to close my window and let out a yawn at the same time.
I saw viraj's window open. It was quite a surprise seeing his window okay after he closed it with such an intensity today.

I noticed viraj was doing something. I tried not to be a nosy neighbour. My brain asked me to just close the window and simply go to bed. But God forbid i actually listen to my mind for once if i did wouldn't be embarrassing myself like a queen.

I told my rational part of mind to just sit back and watch me being like this for the last time. as i do always.

As i was trying to see what this man was upto by looking through his window. I rose my tip toes to try harder. I took support of my window and tried figuring out what mr. khadus was doing, trying to stay discreet as much as i could. but as i do always trip into embarrassing situations, i did this time too.

I accidentally knocked over a flower pot from my window panel to the ground. I screamed as if i could save it.


advika and viraj's windows are really close. so if one spoke loud enough they could hear it from their side.

happy reading<3

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