King Johnathon's Tale(unedited)

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     This part is told by King Johnathon. He's telling his story of his little sister. It's a bit shorter than my other chapters because I wanted this to be its own chapter. Thanks, leave a vote, a comment and I'll replay back, and happy reading.


            My little sister's name was Nadia. She was always so peppy and on the move. If anyone ever needed help she would help them. She'd give the poor money, she would help in the castle's kitchen, she'd play with the animals and the children, and she even helped the maids clean around the castle. Everything was perfect to her, and if anything wasn't perfect, she would make it perfect.

            My parents loved her with all their hearts. They seem to have forgotten everything about her now. I asked them about her right after the elves came and took Nadia away, and they didn't know who I was talking about. Even now they don't seem worried that she's gone. I've decided the elves took away everyone's memories of her to make the grief less. The only thing I can think of is that Rylin and I were immune to whatever spell they used.

            Now that you know more about Nadia, let me tell you what happened that day. This was only a few months after my father killed Riley's father. My father by this time was starting to train me how to be a king. Both of my parents were worried for my little sister's safety, not so much for mine. I knew how to swordfight, my sister knew how to dice vegetables with a kitchen knife.

            I heard later on that the elves had managed to persuade my parents that if they could have Nadia they would keep her safely hidden away from assassins. I had snuck into my father's study where the paper was being signed to give my sister away. I had watched as the elves nodded towards my parents. One of them took a little vial of powder out and threw the whole vial in the fireplace in the study. It glowed a menacing yellow and the youngest of them, he only looked about thirteen, took my sister's hand and the elves vanished.

            My parents collapsed onto the floor from the magic substance that now blew around the room from the burning powder. It blew out the room and out into the castle and through the city. Before long everyone had collapsed and was sleeping as the magic powder worked its way through their minds, plucking every memory of Nadia out of their lives.

            Only I and the wizard's apprentice, Rylin, were awake for almost an hour after the elves had left. We sat in the study cross-legged on the floor talking. Rylin knew that I easily have panic attacks when something mysterious or dangerous has happened. It didn't help that my beloved and only sister had disappeared into thin air. Rylin made me realize that my sister wasn't dead, that my parents were only sleeping because of a magical powder, and that I would live and remember Nadia.

            He didn't really know my sister, but he spoke as if he did. Even now it's nice to know he's here to talk to me about her when I get down. When I first saw you, I wanted to kill you because of your likeness to her. Rylin made me agree to let you live, though, as long as you stay here. He thought that maybe you could help me through my still swimming grief. He told me it would only hurt me if I killed you.

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