The Elven City(unedited)

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It felt like we had been riding for hours before we came upon the Elven Forest. The forest was said to give warning signs to those who shouldn't be there, and at the moment, that was us. We were going into the forest without permission and planned to trespass into their city. If we were caught it would currently mean trouble. We just had to be careful.

 "Where is the city?," I asked Rylin.

"About a mile into the center of the forest. We will probably start seeing some elf guards soon. If we see one it's best we don't draw any weapons, even if we are held at weaponpoint. We don't want to provoke these people," Rylin warned and I nodded.

I agreed with him, these people were dangerous. Nothing angered the elves more than being attacked on their own land, esspecially by people who weren't supposed to be here. We slowed down as we reached the center of the forest. All around us the forest was looming over us. Around us the animals seemed to stop and look at us with curiousity. I'm sure it wasn't normal for these animals to see anyone but an elf.

I could hear their little conversations. The spoke about never seeing 'creatures' like us. Some of the older animals whispered to the younger animals about us. They called us tirents and monsters of powers we shouldn't have. We weren't monsters, but I did believe the animals about the powers. My kind, the Powerholders, are much stronger than the other races and species. In truth we shouldn't even have the powers and strength we have, yet we do.

I frowned and Rylin looked over to me. He sighed and frowned too. All of these animals didn't even know us, but they listened to their caretakers well. The elves had taught them well to be wary of my kind. I was just glad the elves only kept small, passive animals in their forests. They don't believe in bringing in dangers to their own people. They are also very careful to keep their animals from overrunning their city, their only city.

"Are you ok? You seem a bit out of it. Do you want to turn back and come a different way?," Rylin asked me with a cautious look.

"No we aren't turning back just because of me. We're almost there, look," I pointed to the first sign of civilization since we had entered the forest.

The light from several magick stones surrounding a huge oak tree. Magick stones are crystals that project a luminious soft, pale blue color. The stones can be found on any of the worlds except the Imperfect world. They are most found in the Dark world, where there is no light.

The bright lights surrounding the tree didn't do much during the day but point out the entrance to the city. Yes, the city is underground. The magick lights are used to illuminate the underground city and provides a way for the elves to see and never go blind from the loss of light since the magick lights' light never fades, though the elves' skin was very pale from no sunlight.

We rode up to the tree and unmounted our horses. Haven gave me a worried whinny when I walked up to the tree. I smiled and stroked her neck and she breathed into my hand. Rylin walked over to us with his own horse following closely behind him. His horse, too, looked nervous.

"I don't think we should be here, I'm getting extremely strong pulses of energy. Someone's watching us," Rylin hurriedly said.

"I can't believe it took you that long to sense my presence, wizard," a sweet little voice giggled.

"And who might you be?," I asked looking around.

A little elf girl stepped out of a bush behind us. Her long nearly white blonde hair braided and still reached her waist. She wore a powder blue dress made of sheep's wool and little cloth shoes made of the same material but sewn thicker for the sole of the shoes. She only stood as high as the small bushes she just came out of. Her big blue eyes stared holes into Rylin.

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