The Gray Wing (unedited)

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I was plunged into nightmare upon nightmare. I was a still body in the sea of thoughts that protruded my mind and sleep. My long, brown hair floated around my head like seaweed. I opened my mouth to call for help, I was drowning but I couldn't move my body, it felt like my veins were pumped with lead. Nothing but bubbles came out of my mouth when I opened it. I panicked, afraid I had swallowed seawater. I hadn't, though, I was just sinking into the abyss.

Tears stung my eyes as I sank, I was falling and no one could even hear my voice as I called for help. Closing my eyes again I could feel myself start to fall faster. The water around me vanished and I began falling through the air. I was falling faster than I was off the cliff, I could see my tears above me as I fell faster than water. I hit the ground hard, but I bounced.

Closing my eyes again and opening them I could see the blue sky as fluffy white clouds lazily hovered by. I was resting on something soft. It felt like a body, but I couldn't be sure. Looking over I saw my head was resting on someone's lap. Looking above me I saw it was, of all people, Rylin. Closing my eyes again and rolling over I hugged Rylin's body. More tears burned into my cheeks.

"Shhh, it'll be alright," Rylin whispered softly to me and ran his hand through my hair gently.

"No it won't, you're dead, I'm dreaming," I sobbed.

"I'm not dead, and you're not dreaming. You've been asleep for the last couple hours. We're back at the Elven kingdom, in the forest outside the entrance of their city," Rylin smiled down at me.

"Promise," I murmured.

"I promise," Rylin pulled me up and hugged me tightly.

"Where's Nadia?," I quickly asked.

Rylin went quiet, he looked upset and worried. My eyes widened and tears started to fall freely. Rylin whispered words of comfort to me while wiping my eyes. So I really had failed, hadn't I? Nadia was gone, dead forever, and it was all my fault. No wonder we were outside the city. Prince Thanos was probably angry and a mess.

"We're banished from the city aren't we?," I cried.

"No, the funeral is going on right now. They had to clean up Nadia's body are they're having a traditional Elven royalty funeral. We aren't allowed to engage in the funeral since we aren't elves. After the funeral is over Prince Thanos will come and escort us to the castle, were we will spend the night. Tomorrow we will head back to the Basilisk kingdom with Nadia's body, where she will be buried after having a proper Basilisk royalty funeral," Rylin took a deep breath.

"No one remembers her there, though, other than you and King Johnathon," I sniffled sadly.

"The elves' spell has faded off of everyone and now they all remember her. I've contacted King Johnathon and told him the horrible news. He's heartbroken and he and Prince Thanos have decided it best she be returned to her own land and buried in her birth place since she hadn't married the prince yet," Rylin confirmed with a sad voice.

"So it's all over, isn't it. We failed to save Nadia, now the world is going to fall to pieces," I whimpered and fresh tears fell down my messy face.

"No, I looked into what the Seeker is. The world isn't going to end. That Thomas guy is an enemy of the Seekers, he kills them in order to stay young forever. He will just continue what he's always done, kill the Seekers. Nadia was just a rut in the road for him. He's a dangerous man, I'm just glad you survived that fall by shifting. I know you tried to save Nadia, but she was gone right after she hit the ground.

Not even my spells could have saved her from Thomas's wrath. He made her suffer then stole her energy from her to keep himself from getting older. Hopefully there is one day someone who can defeat him. Right now we need to live right now, though. For us, the danger has passed, the storm with black wings is gone," Rylin whispered and held me tighter in his arms.

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