Chapter 15

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Erin found it hard to keep her own emotions in check the next day, which made it even harder for her to keep Kelly from climbing the walls.  The previous night’s conversation with Brody seemed to be on a never-ending loop through her brain and she really had to work to keep herself focused on Kelly’s wedding instead of her own love life.

The girls were doing their last minute preparations in one of the Sunday school rooms and the photographer had come up to take some pictures of the process for Kelly’s album.  Between the nerves, the anticipation and the pregnancy hormones Kelly was constantly on the verge of tears.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this Kelly Jo.” Erin commented as she dabbed yet again at Kelly’s eyes.  She was doing her best not to smear her makeup.  “If you weren’t prego I’d give you a beer or a shot of whiskey or something.”

“If I weren’t prego I probably wouldn’t need the beer.” Kelly pointed out, taking a breath to compose herself.

“Good point.” Erin conceded.

“Great job ladies, I’ve got some nice photos.  I was hoping I could take the bridesmaids and groomsmen outside for a bit and get some fun shots of them before the wedding.  What do you think Kelly?”

Kelly nodded at the photographer.  “That would be great Julia.  I’d like to get as much done before the ceremony as possible.”

Erin looked back at Kelly, wondering if she would be ok if they all left her.  But then Kelly’s Mom stepped up to place an arm around her shoulders.  “Don’t worry girls, I’ll keep an eye on her.  I promise to get her where she needs to be on time.”

Erin gave them a smile and reached out to squeeze Kelly’s hand.  “Hang in there Kel, it’s almost time.  Once you’re down that aisle it’ll be a piece of cake.”

Kelly nodded and then let her Mom lead her to chair where she proceeded to touch up her makeup.  Erin gave them one last glance before following Jamie and Amanda from the room.

Julia had already rounded up the groomsmen plus Tobey and the foursome were waiting out behind the church as they approached.  Tobey didn’t look anywhere near as anxious as Kelly did, but then maybe that was just a guy thing.  All four sat on top of a picnic table, leisurely conversing.  Julia paused to get a candid shot before she called out to Tobey.

As the two took a few moments to talk about what pictures to take, Brody pushed himself off the table and came to greet Erin.

“Ladies, you all look stunning.” He complimented Jamie and Amanda, giving them a smile and a wink.  Then he turned his attention to Erin.  “And you, my dear, look positively yummy.” 

He reached for her hand and then motioned for her to pirouette, taking in the dress and hair and heels.  Kelly had chosen a different color for each of her girls, wanting something fun and fall themed.  Erin’s dress was a deep orange, Jamie wore a deep shade of red and Amanda rounded them out in a brilliant yellow-gold.  The flowers Kelly chose complimented those colors as did the vests under the guys’ tuxes.

Erin turned, her cheeks blushing even though she was pleased with Brody’s attention.  He then pulled her to him, whispering in her ear.  “You look better than the bride; just don’t tell her I said that.”

Erin gave a small snort.  “She’d kill you for sure.” She agreed.  “Besides, how would you know?  You haven’t even seen her yet.”

Brody gave Erin one of those smiles that made her heart melt and her knees go weak.  “I don’t have to see her to know.  You’ll always be the best looking one in any bunch.”

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