Chapter 16

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Erin found work on Monday to be much quieter and a little lonely without Kelly around.  Not that she didn’t talk with the other nurses staffing her shift, but it just wasn’t the same when Kelly wasn’t involved.  She and Tobey were on a week-long honeymoon, enjoying one last child-free vacation before the baby arrived.

It meant that Erin had a lot more time to think and her mind certainly buzzed as she made her rounds and did her charting.  Thankfully, Tyler had called to say Alyssa seemed to be feeling better and would be going to daycare, so that was one thing she didn’t have to worry about.

As usual, her mind settled on Brody and the direction their relationship was headed.  Watching Kelly get married and sharing that experience with Brody had made the idea of them getting hitched much more real.  Sure, she had toyed with the idea for a while, as had many other people.  But now she knew it would happen, she just didn’t know when.

She knew Brody didn’t want to rush her and for that she was grateful.  But she also got the sense he was holding back, waiting for something.  She had a sneaking suspicion it had a lot to do with her own level of faith and relationship to God.

She didn’t deny that He existed.  In fact, she embraced the idea of a Heavenly Father capable of being unchanging and loving in a way that no human ever could.  It comforted her to know that the promises made throughout the Bible still remained to this day – promises that showed a God willing to take care of and provide for those who chose to follow Him.  That promise had carried her through some of her roughest days during the divorce.

But she knew she wasn’t quite in the same place as Brody.  She had watched him during the service yesterday and had finally gotten a sense of what it truly meant to worship.  She could tell he felt every word they sang and every prayer they prayed.  There was a depth to his faith that she had never reached.  It was almost as if he knew God was there, sitting among them, listening and smiling and speaking to him personally.

She wasn’t sure how she had missed that after spending so much time with Brad and Jamie.  But she also had no idea how to achieve it.  If that’s what Brody was waiting for then she really didn’t know when they’d get married.  She sincerely hoped he didn’t wait so long that he gave up.

The thought sent chills through her body, like ice water in her veins.  She knew, without a doubt, she didn’t want Brody walking out of her life.  And she couldn’t believe, if God had truly brought them together, He would let that happen.

Then again, bad stuff happened to good people all the time without much sense or reason.  This time, though, she had the feeling it was totally within her control.

She just had to figure it out.

“Erin?  You have a minute?”

Erin snapped out of her reverie and looked up from the chart she’d been documenting.  One of the nurses had poked her head inside the NICU room to get her attention.

“Sure.  What’s up?”

“There’s a gentleman out here requesting your presence.  Looks like he brought lunch.”

Erin’s brow wrinkled.  “A gentleman, huh?”  She wanted to think it was Brody but she had a good idea that it would be Tyler.  “What does this gentleman look like?”

“Dirty blonde hair.  Five foot ten or so.  Dress slacks and a polo.”

Erin groaned.  It was Tyler.

“I’ll be right there.”

She double checked the monitors against her notations and then hung the chart back on the bassinet.  Then she reluctantly headed to the nurses’ station.  Tyler was chatting up the nurse behind the desk, a plastic bag resting beside him on the counter.

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