Chapter 8

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Erin paced in front of the windows in the lobby, waiting for someone to answer the phone at home. Bates and Brody were still in with their Dad and thankfully the doctor had shown up not long after Bates arrived. He spoke with them for a good amount of time and with Erin’s guided questions they were able to get a pretty good idea of what his care would entail.

He had been stable since being brought in and the combo of fluids, meds, and feeding tube seemed to be working so they felt they would be able to bring him around in the morning. The wounds on his arms and torso would have to be debrided to help remove the dead skin and let it heal, which would NOT be a fun process. Unfortunately, it was par for the course for burn patients. The doctor also said they would be bringing in a team of therapists to start working on simple exercises to keep his joints from stiffening while he recuperated. His time in the hospital was still indefinite, but the doctor seemed optimistic that he would heal well.

Bates had been floored when she saw her father even though Erin had done her best to prepare her and Derek about his condition. She had sat and wept for probably half an hour after they got into the room. Derek had held her and they let her grieve, knowing there was nothing else they could do.

Brody had finally gotten a call from the medical examiner who said he had released his findings to the police and was ready to discuss it with the family. By the sounds of it he was ready to release Marie’s body whenever they made arrangements with a funeral home. Brody had asked Erin if she would accompany him and she agreed, but she wanted to make a phone call home first. It was pushing four and she knew her mother would have picked Alyssa up from daycare and had her home by now.

Finally, she heard her Mom’s voice on the other end. “Hello, Erin.” She sounded a bit breathless.

“You okay Mom?”

“Yeah, we were just caught up in Alyssa’s little project and I didn’t hear the phone right away. How are things at the hospital?”

Erin outlined what she knew about Stan and that they were heading to see the medical examiner about Marie. “Once we’re done I’m going to suggest they head home, get something to eat. Stan is stable and there’s nothing else that can be done tonight, so there’s no sense in having them just sit here like Brody did yesterday.”

“I agree. And I was actually going to ask you if you thought they would come here and eat with us. It’s got to be the last thing they want to do, go home to that empty house and prepare a meal for themselves. I thought it might be a good distraction and get them some nourishment.”

Erin smiled. Her mother was so giving and nurturing; it had to be a God given gift. “I’ll ask them Mom. It sounds like a good idea to me.”

“And Alyssa wants so badly to give this card to Brody in person. I thought this would allow her to do that.”

Erin felt a twinge of anxiety in her belly at the thought of introducing Brody to Alyssa already, but she figured for now she would just tell her they were friends and leave it at that.

“I’ll give you a call later and let you know for sure. Right now I want to get Brody down to the morgue so we can get some closure on Marie.”

“Okay, sweetie. You take care of them. I’ll talk to you soon.”

“Will do. Give Alyssa a hug and a kiss for me.”

Her mother agreed and ended the call. Erin then texted Brody to let him know she was done and would be waiting for him in the lobby.

She dreaded the trip to the morgue. She knew Brody wanted her there both for the emotional support and her medical knowledge, but it was definitely not a place she wanted to be. She hoped to not have to do this again anytime soon. Or ever, for that matter.

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