Chapter 5

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The following morning Erin got back into her normal routine and went for a run, Brody by her side.  Brad was still nursing shin splints and didn’t want to push it and injure himself any further.  Brody certainly didn’t seem to mind.

After breakfast Jamie suggested they check out Jockey’s Ridge State Park and everyone easily agreed.  As they drove down the highway Jamie pointed at the massive sand dune that loomed on their left, well before they got to the entrance.

“That’s the park?” Kelly asked, staring out the window.

“Yep.  I told you it was one big sand dune.”

“Makes for one weird State Park.” Tobey added.

What was even weirder was all the coniferous trees that lined the entrance and the parking lot before giving way to the sea of sand beyond.  Sure made for an interesting contrast.

They popped inside the visitor’s center to look around and took the time to read about how the large dune had come to be and when it was declared a State Park.  Then they headed up the little wooden walkway, once again lined with conifers, to stop on the deck where it gave way to the gigantic dune beyond.

“Holy cow!  This is even bigger than it appears from the road.” Kelly cried.

Erin turned, seeing nothing but sand as far as the eye could see.  It was an incredible sight.

“You guys up for a hike?” Brad asked.

“Sure.  But I want a picture first.” Erin agreed.  She motioned to the rest of them to gather at the railing so she could get a photo with the dune in the background.  Then they headed down the steps and across the sand.

It was slow going, slogging through the sand, and Erin figured her muscles would be complaining tomorrow.  But it was also pretty cool.  They crested the first ridge and stopped, staring at the miles of sand that surrounded them.

“I wonder if this is what it feels like to be in the desert?” Jamie mused.

“Gotta be awful close.” Tobey agreed.

They walked on, following other tourists to a roped off sand castle that the park employees had built.  It was pretty impressive.  The sign by the artwork said that every so often they would have to come out and touch it up or rebuild it a bit due to shifting sand and weather.  It was better than anything she’d ever passed on the beach.

They spent about an hour wondering around the dune, enjoying the view and horsing around before heading back to the van.  They all laughed when Jamie pulled off her shoes to dump the sand out.

“You guys want to head back or can we check out the shops across the street?” she asked.

Tobey groaned.  “As if that’s even a question for Kelly.”

Kelly elbowed him.  “Very funny.  But yes, Jamie, I would love to check out the shops.”

Erin was game.  To her it didn’t really matter what they did.  She was content just to be, wherever that was.

Brad maneuvered the van across traffic and pulled into the parking lot.  The first things that caught their eye were the two enormous Adirondack chairs sitting outside a shop, painted bright shades of yellow and blue.

Erin laughed when they climbed from the van.  “That would make a great picture.  Reminds me of that old Lily Tomlin character. What was her name?”

“Edith Ann?” Jamie supplied.

“That’s it!”

“Wow, Erin. Way to date yourself.” Brad teased.

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