Cinderheart: *reading a fanfiction of Wings of Fire on Wattpad
Sunny; Hey, guys, do you know Wren and Sky?
Starflight; Yes, why?
Tsunami; You mean, Sky, Peril's brother?
Sunny; Yes. Wren was complaining about school, and she mentioned something called pi.
Clay; PIE?
Starflight; No, pi, as in 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196442881097566593344612847564823378678316527120190914564856692346shall I go on?
Tsunami: NO.
Cinderheart: Haha, so funny! Who's the author? *squints* @Lionbit_Lionbites? *clicks*
Wattpad: @Lionbit_Lionbites's former username: @Lionblaze_de_cat
About: Pronouns: He/Him
Hello. I am the mighty Lion, but my name is Lionblaze. I am in ThunderClan, and I love doing stuff. My mate is Cinderheart, also known as @Cinders_Ashes_Hearts. She's also in ThunderClan, so if you thought I would break the warrior code for some mushy gushy romance, I suggest you get outta here FAST! So, anyway, I love writing about stuff in ThunderClan. Please follow me if you don't want Squirrelflight, also known as @Wattpad_Squirrel-Cat to torture me for making a SquirrelxAsh book. Toodles!
Joined February 14, 2023
Location: ThunderCLAN
Stories by Lionbit_Lionbites
1 published story
Ashes with Squirrels: A SquirrelflightxAshfur fanfiction