Suprise~~Emily (Metal Lords)

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I've been really worried about Emily lately. Ever since she's started hanging out with Kevin she's been different. And I mean not like her normal different she's changed. It's almost like she's become a completely different person. I don't know, maybe I'm just overthinking all of it.

I woke up to a call from Emily. She was absolutely freaking out. I could barely understand what she was saying she was way to frantic.

"Emily....Emily I'll be there in a few minutes," I quickly caught her attention before hanging up.

When I got there she quickly jumped into my arms and just started balling her eyes out into the nape of my neck. I closed the door with my foot behind us and began carrying her up to her room.

I sat down in her bed leaning against the headboard and she relaxed on top of me as I rubbed her back.

"So, can I ask what's wrong love?" I asked quietly.

"Wait, wait, wait......," she got up and put her hands on my shoulders and then just stared into my eyes like she was looking for something.

"What?" I laughed.

"You listen to post doom total annihilation whatever music! You can help me!" She got off the bed and jumped around like she had just saved world hunger or some shit.

"What do you need me to do?" I really didn't know where this was going.

"We're going shopping," she replied after a second with a smile on her face.

I didn't know what to say so I just got up and grabbed my keys that I had laid on the night stand.

When we got to the mall she dragged me into a hot topic.

"So....what exactly are we looking for?" I had never been so lost in my life.

"I need to dress like.... Like, them," she pointed to an Avenged Sevenfold t-shirt.

"Emily, I don't know what your trying to do but the look you're going for, you won't find it here," that response didn't seem to be the one she wanted.

"But this is where Kevin said Hunter shopped."

"Hunter? Hunter Sylvester? That fucking joke. Come on let's get out of here," I laughed grabbing her hand.

"Wait but..."

"I know a better place," I quickly explained seeing the worry begin to set in her face.

"Thank you," she said with the biggest smile as we walked out of the store with many bags in our hands.

"So why the sudden style change?"

"It's a surprise you'll see tonight," she smiled to herself as she settled into my passenger seat.

God this girl is ruining my life. In a good way of course.

"So am I dropping you off somewhere or...." I trailed off there was no plan for today at all. Which is weird for her.

I prefer just riding around until we find something but Emily likes to have a plan.

"Could you take me to your house? There's something else I need you to do," she blushed.

I really did not know where this was going. Emily is like on of the purest being of this Earth so I wasn't trying to expect what I wanted to expect.

When we got to my house I went to my room and she took the bags to her bags to the bathroom. I laid down and stared at my ceiling. She was starting to worry me. I mean this isn't her thing just to completely wing a trip out of the blue with a new style change.

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