Chapter 1

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I started writing this after I watched the drama, and was disappointed by Gu Hai's actions during the first kidnapping. After reading the novel, a little kidnapping seems almost quaint! Lol. But I still felt I needed to write this. Even though I can potentially forgive Gu Hai for his mistakes, I wanted there to be real consequences for his actions. I wanted Bai Luo Yin to stand up to him more—not just pout or throw a few punches. And I wanted their relationship to become more equal. I'm really not into the whole "top-bottom," "hubby-wifey" dynamic.

BUT I tried to do this without just making Gu Hai into just a simple, sweet guy. I tried to stay true to his character. He is still crazy and possessive, but for once he has a chance to learn from his mistakes. You can decide if I succeeded or not.

Hopefully this will be interesting even to those who didn't mind their dynamic. But be warned: He is just as toxic here as in the novel/drama! The only difference is there are consequences.

Thanks for reading! Comments and Kudos greatly appreciated so I know if anyone is actually reading this! <3

Takes place during the first kidnapping.

(Episode 11 of the drama and Chapter 84 of the novel.)


Gu Hai sat on the ledge by the bedroom window, smoking a cigarette. He took a long drag, trying to stave off the nausea he felt forming in his insides. What would he think? He exhaled a slow puff of smoke, watching as the ash fell haphazardly by his side. Of course, it didn't matter now. Nothing really mattered anymore.

Above him, the wall clock drummed out a slow, steady rhythm.

Suddenly, the sound was overwhelmed by the engine noise of a van approaching, idling and shutting off. Gu Hai bolted upright, sprinting out the door and down the stairs.

Through the window of the van, he could see Yin Zi, wrapped up tightly like a sticky rice dumpling, the ropes boring into his flesh. He was stretched out, his legs forced into a straight line and his arms wrapped rigidly by his sides. Gu Hai swallowed. It looked extremely uncomfortable.

"We got him!" one of the men shouted, as he and his companion roughly lifted Bai Luo Yin out of the van, hitting his shoulders against the sides of the door as they struggled to get him through.

"I'll take him!" Gu Hai quickly yelled, rushing toward the back seat. He wrapped his arms around Yin Zi's waist, all too eager to separate him from the overly rough hired hands, gracefully swinging him over his shoulder with a single, fluid motion.

Once he'd reached the bottom of the stairs, he tossed out a half-hearted, "Thanks for your help," over his shoulder.

"No need!" one of them shouted back. "Let us know if you need anything else."


Making his way up the steps, he could feel Yin Zi's heavy breathing, hot against his shoulder. His fear was obvious.

Once Gu Hai reached the apartment, he laid him down on the bed.

He took a moment to stare down at his face, only partially covered by the blindfold—the soft, pink lips, the firm, masculine jaw. It quivered slightly.

Gu Hai swallowed. This was it. The moment of truth.

He leaned over, and pulled off the blindfold.

"You..." Bai Luo Yin whispered.

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