Return of the Monster

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"Belos? You're...back. How? Why? What are you doing here? You should be dead!" Luz questioned, trying to figure out what was going on.

"You know, a part of me missed your questioning. All will be explained in time, little light." Belos said casually.

"Why did you call me that?" Luz asked, changing from scared to confused.

"Is that not a nickname of yours back in the human realm? I apologize, I'm not as great with Spanish as I used to be. Pardon the possible mistranslation."

"No, you got it right. It's just...only my mom calls me that. The only other person who's called me that, besides her, is..."

Luz trailed off, staring at the floor.

"Your father?" Belos asked, genuine sympathy in his voice.

Luz just nodded, unable to bring herself to say anything.

"My father and I had a bad relationship. Honestly, my brother was a better father than he ever was. I've been observing you for a while, and it seems like your father was a good man. I'm sorry you lost him when you were so young."


Luz paused for a moment, realizing what was really going on and tried to refocus.

"I still want you to explain what's going on. How are you not dead? And how are you talking to me?"

"Ah, yes, your questions. Happy to explain." Belos said, sounding very chill despite the situation, "When the Collector sent me flying into that wall, I was still in my cursed form. As such, I couldn't be killed so easily. A part of me was able to land on Hunter. I hitched a ride back to the human realm. After that, I left your house for a while and stayed in my old home, but when you and your friends started to use it as a place to rebuild your portal, well, I got curious.

"I admit I spent the most time observing you as you're the only human of that group of friends and by far the most interesting. I learned a lot over those months. I hitched a ride back on you and have been attached to you since then."

"What's your plan?"

"Do you really think so little of me that you assume I always have an ulterior motive? If you must know I simply wish to find the rest of this form so I can reform into my normal self. I've realized how extreme my original plans were and have given up on those. Once I reform, I will rid myself of these palismen souls and return to the human realm as I once was. Nothing malicious to speak of here, little light. You don't need to worry."

"Stop calling me that. And how am I supposed to believe you? You nearly petrified me!" Luz exclaimed, growing frustrated.

"I don't care if you don't believe me, though I hope I can convince you my intentions are not bad."

"Another thing, where even are you right now?"

"Look in the mirror."

Luz leaned closer, trying to see what Belos was wanting her to look for. A small slug-like piece of the green goo poked out from behind her ear.

"I've just been here, so that you may hear me."

"Glad you're not inside my skin or something." Luz nervously chuckled.

"I could, but I don't see it as necessary right now."

Luz stared at the mirror, looking at the goo slug and thinking about what to do.

"You know, it wouldn't be hard for me to make sure your plans, whatever they are, don't happen."

"I'm well aware." Belos sighed, "So go ahead. Take me to the Owl Lady. Have me contained and never see me again. But, I don't think you should."

A True Witch (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now