For the Grand Huntsman, From the Titan

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Luz awoke with a groan, tied back to back with Boscha, in the back of a cart, with all her stuff out of reach in the corner.

"Good. You're finally awake." Boscha said, voice dripping with annoyance, "Congrats, human. You really seem to be a constant source of bad luck."

"You know, despite your attitude, it's really good to see another familiar face." Luz said.

"Don't give me that overly happy attitude. In case you haven't noticed, this is basically the apocalypse. So what, may I ask, were you doing in trapper territory?"

"What were you?" Luz countered.

"When I saw another person walking around, I thought I should trail them to see if they were trustworthy. If I could see your face, I would have known that was a definite no, but here we are. Now, back to my question. What were you doing?"

"I was trying to do some resource scavenging while Eda goes looking for people. Hey, since I found you, I might as well ask if you and anyone you're teamed up with would like to come to the hideout. It's safe, you'll have a bed, food, and medical access. Plus, you can see how many other Hexolios have been found and meet up with them again."

"First off, never call the Hexside Banshees that name again, second, I don't care how any of them are doing, and third, everyone knows that the whole hideout thing is a trick. The Owl Lady just lures innocent survivors in with the promise of a safe place then lets them be taken by the Collector in exchange for them leaving her and her posse alone. Not surprised you didn't know, being a part of that safe group and all."

"What? It's a real place! There are so many people there, all of which Eda or someone else saved and brought in. Thanks to a special symbol, we're invisible to the Collector."

"Like anyone would believe that." Boscha scoffed.

"Why are you being so flippant? You seem like a great fighter, but why not take the chance at being safe? What possible reason could you have to not believe me and not take my offer at saving you?"

"Because believing in a safe place is what got my mom captured!"

Luz was shocked. She knew one of her moms was captured by the Collector, and presumably had been for awhile, but she had no idea why or how.

"When my mom heard about a safe place, she left me and mother to see if it was real, promising she'd be back the second she knew it was." Boscha explained, much quieter than before, "It was two months into all this so I didn't want her to get hurt, and I followed her. She went searching for the Owl Lady. She knew the supposed safe space was off the island and went to the coast. Instead of finding Eda or someone or any sign of escape, all she got was to be taken away by the Collector in front of me."

Luz didn't respond right away, not exactly knowing what to say after all of that. After around a minute, she did think of something.

"Lynn, right?"


"You mom's name. It's Lynn. And your mother is named Jen." Luz paused to see if Boscha would say anything, then continued when she didn't, "The night I arrived here, a few days ago actually, Hunter and I snuck out and found the Collector's hiding place. We were out looking for King. While we were there, we found a room full of everyone who had been captured. Your mom was there. She told us where to go. She also told me to tell you and your mother that she's okay and she loves you."

There was a bit of silence that hung between them, enough to make Luz think Boscha still didn't believe her. However, Luz did eventually hear the faint sound of Boscha crying near silently. Before she could say anything more, the cart came to a stop in front of the Bonesborough scout outpost. Tarak got out of the cart, grabbed Luz and Boscha, and carried them up a makeshift staircase up to the flat roof of the building. There are a few gardening boxes along the sides, but the main feature was the shrine with an altar by the front edge of the roof.

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