Traveling To Greenville

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( I don't even know the pov anymore between first person, narrator and third)

You glance at Onceler as he happily tunes his guitar. Isn't he dreamy? Come on don't try to fight it. Just look at his fluffy hair and his proud smile.

"So what's the thing around your neck?"

"Oh this? Well this is the Thneed?"

"The Thneed?"

"Yeah, Thneed! Like The and Need put together!"

"That's really clever!"

"Thanks!" You take notice as he blushes a little after hearing your kind words of encouragement. 

"Well, go on! I'm interested now!"

"The Thneed can do the job of a thousand! It's super innovative. It can be used as a boxing glove, parachute, butterfly net, reusable diaper, an exercise belt, a runny nose wiper, sling shot, a muzzle, a jump rope, a hat, and a colorful sweater you put on your cat!"

"Wow, that IS really cool!"

"Yup! And it's only $3.98!"

"No way!"


"How do you make a Thneed?"

"It's actually a really simple process! First, I chop dow-" You realize Onceler begin to frown.

"What's wrong? You have my full attention!"

"Well it's just this orange fuzzy thing came up to me yesterday... Borax or something..." He cutely fumbles over his words trying to remember the Lorax's name.

"The Lorax! That's it. Yeah. Uh huh!"

"Oh yeah! I think I saw him yesterday!"

"Really? Anyways yesterday this Lorax guy comes up to me after I chopped down a tree. I was harvesting its tufts to make a Thneed. He walked over and was all like 'What are you doing with MY tree?'. We began to have a civilized conversation-"

Onceler stops talking as he realizes you're trying to hold in a laugh.

"What? What is it? Is there something wrong with my hair?"

"No! Your hair looks beautif- fine it looks fine it's just-

"No no continue. What were you going to say?" Onceler teases as he smiles to himself.

"Nothing" Y/n lies.

The Onceler pouts again as he continues with his story.

"Anyways so the Lorax says-

Y/n thinks now is a good time to stare at the gorgeous sunrise around her and Onceler. She still smiles to herself as she thinks of how this interaction between Onceler and the Lorax actually went down. She wishes she could have seen him caught by surprise mid dance routine.

"Right, y/n?"

"What? Oh yeah totally agree!"

Onceler laughs as y/n stares in confusion.

"What did I do?"

"Nothing it's just I wasn't sure if you were actually listening to me and I-" Onceler can't control his laughter after the silly trick he pulled on y/n. 

(first person pov change{I think})

'What could I have possibly done? He's so cute when he laughs. Did I move because he seems a lot closer to the-'


(pov change again bc i'm to lazy to change this paragraph to first person)

Y/N watches in horror as Onceler begins to teeter over the edge of the wagon. She instinctively reaches out to save him. It worked! Or it would have if he hadn't been 6'4 and a lot bigger than she was.

"AHHHHH" they both yelled as they tumbled out of the cart together. Onceler's shoe goes flying through the air after y/n tried to saved him by his leg. Onceler himself is falling straight on his back as he can't move because of y/n right above him. Y/n herself had to much forward momentum and is currently flipping forward. After what seemed like an eternity, they both land safely on the dirt road. With y/n sitting on top of Onceler. She begins to turn tomato red as she realizes the situation. She quickly scrambles off Onceler and trips over his foot. As Y/n finally seems to be catching her balance, Onceler's rogue shoes conks her in the head to finish the job. She falls backwards and hits her head on the wagon's back wheel.

(pov change)

'How in the Reese's Peanut Butter Fu- owwwww.'

(pov change)

Y/n's world flashes red and then fades to black with a worried Onceler clouding her vision.

Unless.. (onceler x reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now