Chapter 8: Babygirl

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You wake up expecting the sun to be shining on you, burning your eyes as usual, but when you open them you come face to face with Brahms. The nose of his mask is almost touching your nose and his eyes are open, he was very obviously watching you sleep up close. You screech from surprise and accidentally launch yourself off the bed but your legs are tangled in your blankets so you end up hanging off the bed, half on the floor. Your ass is in the air which is especially convenient as you are wearing your booty shorts with the word 'babygirl' printed across the butt which you swear you only wear ironically.

Brahms makes a strangled noise of surprise and rushes to help you back onto the bed. You aren't much help as you are cracking up making you both start to slide off the bed more. Brahms struggles with you, only getting himself more entangled. He tries to extricate himself but as he tries to push himself up his hands slide and he loses his balance basically flopping onto you.

Now you are bent over the side of the bed, legs made immobile by your blankets and the weight of Brahms who is now in the very same predicament, his front to your back and your front to the bed. For a second after he falls on you the both of you go silent from shock and then you burst out laughing, shaking against him. After a moment you hear his husky laughter from behind you and only now are you aware of just how close he is pressed to you, and what you can feel against you. You go silent from the sudden awareness and he notices your abrupt change in mood, also going quiet.

"I'm going to try and slide out now, push yourself up so the blankets can get loose," you say.

"Ok," he says, his voice even rougher after having just woken up.

You can feel what he's doing to you and you want to instinctively cross your legs at the heat building where it shouldn't be but the blankets and his body in between them stop you. You use your arms to gain purchase on the floor and basically military crawl out of your self-made blanket trap, your legs getting loose and helping to free Brahms.

You lay on the ground giggling as you hear Brahms behind you. You turn around just in time to see him subtly adjust the front of his pants. You turn away quickly and stand up, pretending that you hadn't seen that or felt the same way. It's probably just because it's morning anyways you think. You clear your throat as you gather clothes to change into. You check the time, your eyes going wide at how late it is.

"We can make a late breakfast, brunch I guess. I have some work I need to do like asap so after we eat I need to get on there anything you want to eat or do today in particular?" you ask.

He is silent, watching you as he sits on your bed, his hands and half of your blanket in his lap. He is still wearing his father's old clothes, a button-up shirt and some much too big slacks. You hum at his silence and at his outfit. You turn around and bend down, rifling through your clothes, finding some of your more oversized clothing, and therefore something more appropriate for Brahms who is taller than you. You take the clothes you guess might fit and throw them at him. He isn't paying attention so they hit him square in the face making you smile. He grunts as he pulls them off his head. The mask shifted up slightly and you see the very end of his chin, a sliver of cheek before he hurriedly fixes it. He looks at you, his eyes communicating both amusement and annoyance.

"What is asap?" he asks, ignoring the clothes in his hands.

You look at him confused for a second before you realize that he isn't fucking with you, he really doesn't know what asap means. It makes sense, the only people he's spoken to since he was eight were his parents who wouldn't be caught dead using slang.

"Asap, it means as soon as possible, so basically I need to do my work like, as soon as possible," you explain.

He cocks his head.

Shadows of the Night - Brahms Heelshire x Reader [The Boy 2016]Where stories live. Discover now