Chapter 7

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Here I am, eagerly waiting for Shawn to reply me something for that 'statement' which as per him 'defines' me.

Shawn : ' where was I?'


Riall : 'You were going to tell me something...a statement I guess.'

Shawn : 'Oh yes, The statement was that you, Riall, are like a butterfly; beautiful to see but hard to catch. And I mean it...'

Pickup line? or is he actually serious? God knows! Maybe he's high so he's just saying...

Riall : 'Oh well, Thank you..But I really think you're high Shawn. :v'

Shawn : 'No dude, not high. Down to the earth, relax. If I would be high, I wouldn't be replying you...Oh and if you're getting bored with me then I apologize.'

I never said that. You're not at all boring Shawn, if you were then I would be probably sleeping; rather than talking to you..

Riall : 'Oh no. You're good. I'm bored as well so...Haha!'

Shawn : 'What?'

Riall : 'What? Nothing...'

Shawn : 'Sometimes you make chats so complicated, seriously.'

Riall : 'Oh of course not..'

Shawn : 'YES RIALL!'

Now what? He wanna argue with me?

Riall : 'You have anger issues, don't you? You get angry and upset easily..'

Shawn : 'Well, rn i'm not angry Just 'messing' with you HAHA! But yeah, I do have anger issues...'

He's such a tease. But. My six sense works well. Good.

Shawn : 'So aren't you planning to sleep Riall?'

Riall : 'Yeah, in 30 mins maybe..wbu?'

Shawn : 'Oh no, i'm not gonna sleep, i'm on a night out remember?'

Riall : 'Yeah but you'll get sick if you don't take rest and maybe you also have a match to play tomorrow, right?'

Shawn : 'Yeah, you remember things quickly. But don't worry about me, i'm good.'

Suit yourself then!

Riall : ' how you feeling eh? Drunk enough yet? :p'

Shawn : 'Haha. No. Not yet. But right now I feel to close my eyes, playing slow songs, and lay on the roof of the car and just the atmosphere is so peaceful and calm.'

I would love to join as well.

Riall : 'Ohhhh that must be really cool. But you're feeling that suddenly?'

Shawn : 'No, not suddenly. Its just that the atmosphere here is so mesmerizing...'

Riall : 'Ohh, so you feeling a bit 'sentimental', don't you? Alcohol + the atmosphere can do such things..hehe.'

Shawn : 'Yes! Correct!'

Riall : 'But what are your friends doing? You seemed to be bored with them eh?'

Shawn : 'Not exactly bored but I don't really know what to do and they have their 'someone' with them so...'

He's feeling lonely maybe. Didn't expect that. This conversation is getting serious.

Shawn : 'You know, sometimes I feel that I too need that 'someone' whom I can share every problem with and that person would understand and give me a solution or support me, but then I over think things and then I feel that feelings ruin everything so its better what I am right now...'

What are you right now Shawn? Let me know...

Riall : ' its just that you think that sometimes feelings ruin everything so its better to be by yourself, right?'

Shawn : 'Yes, because no one is capable to handle me. And I don't really think someone would be able to, because my heart is like a stone; it can only be broken if I wish to...'

Is that so hard to handle you? And why is your heart cold? Oh God! Shawn Martin, you're making me more curious to know you!

Riall : 'Ohhh, so you haven't found your 'special' someone yet right? I mean, i'm just guessing, I don't even know you much so I don't know what is or what was going on with you...'

Shawn : 'No, not as such. Uhhh okay i'm gonna say this. Honestly, I was known to be like a 'playboy' type back a year ago. I've dated approximately 25-27 girls Riall. But everytime it gets closer I break up, I don't know, it's just not my thing. I can't really spend my time being like a 'dog' you know...And my past, is bad. Real bad; you can't even imagine. And it's been a tough time to leave that past image. Still people think I am like that right now even, but i've left that far ago. And now I realize that it's time to invest on someone who can actually be there for me, who can understand me. But I maybe that type of 'loyal' people do not exist, I just need to wait...'

I read the whole thing, twice. Even though I think its not right to be with guy more. Even tho my subconsciousness says 'stop, get away asap' But something,deep inside, says 'stay, know and then decide' The more he tells me about himself, the more curious I become; and I have no idea why. I just cannot not know him now. Why was he like this? What happened sudden off that made him the way he is right now-cold. Did he get betrayed? How come has he never fallen in love? Is it too hard to break the walls he has wrapped around himself? What is his actual side?

Soo many questions and the only answer-stay, wait and know. But the only thing i'm afraid of is...what if while finding the answers, I would be the one falls for him? -No! That won't happen! My subconsciousness speaks.

Pushing the thoughts way far behind I continued...

Riall : 'But its not like that, if a person truly accepts you for yourself, you don't really have to live like a 'dog' as you said...You can't accept for true happiness with someone who just kisses you all the time and says 'I love you'...there is more than that...and that's trust and loyalty.

While nowadays, it is very very very hard to find someone like that...Because all everyone wants is someone to be in a 'relationship' with just for their own benefits and show off; which is so pathetic!'

Shawn : 'Yeah, but Riall, did this happen to you?'

Yes! I frowned and tried my best not to bring that back again.

Riall : 'What? No, no no no.' I lie, keeping my emotions back.

Shawn : 'Oh that's great..'

Riall : 'Yeah, okay then, will be sleeping now. Byee Gn Tc and all the best to your team. :) x'

Shawn : 'Sure Ri, Gn. :) x'

Past sucks.


Thank you for reading this :)

Next update asap. Please do vote and also comment, I'd like to know your thoughts for each conversation HAHA! :D

Love you all. :) x

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2015 ⏰

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