Chapter 5

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Woohoo! This was the best exam ever. I'm gonna get a nice grade in this one. Well, i've always been good at English so it was quite expected.

BUT WAIT! Day after tomorrow is...SCIENCE!


I growl and frown with the remembrance of the fact that I have a science exam day after and that it is gonna be a disaster, i'm telling ya.

I shake my head and check my Instagram hoping there would be a message or something and YES! It is Shwan..he has sent me a 'Good morning' message.

I smile with some kind of 'happiness' and simply reply a 'Hey!'

Within a few seconds I get his notification...

Shawn : 'Hey, how was your exam?'

Riall : 'Was really good, i'm so happy. Hehe.

Anyways, you was yours? You also had an exam, right?'

Shawn : 'Uhhh yeah, its just...I don't know. I'm gonna fail :P'

Riall : 'Ehhh, why fail? Why didn't you cheat? :v'

Shawn : 'Today the supervisor was quite strict so didn't get much chance...'

Riall : 'Ohh, bad luck tho..Hehe.'

Shawn : 'Haha Yeah...Btw Riall, you draw really well. The drawings you made were really good. You should do arts or something..'

Wait what?! Has he ever seen my work? Or hes just guessing..

Riall : 'Uhhh, how did you know this? About my drawing and stuff..?'

Shawn : 'Actually whenever I used to pass by your table, I used to look at what you're doing...I really don't know what it was, But it was really nice. And you won't believe, my friends would literally stand and go around your table to see your work when you leave it and go downstairs. That was literally the funniest part..'

Riall : 'Oh well, Thank you. But I don't really like my work sometimes, i'm just a beginner, I still need to learn. Hahaha, well thats weird. :P'

Shawn : 'But you're a great designer tho...

And btw, how did you get to know my name? I mean everybody knows you here for obvious reasons but how did you...Riall Stone...get to know my name? Out of all the 1000 students here?'

Riall : 'You followed me on facebook, remember? So I just knew it was you...I did check your account, And then I just followed you on Instagram. Simple as that!'

Shawn : 'But you know, i'm still in shock. Because you are 'The Riall Stone' who used to sit in the library like quiet and with lots of attitude...'


Riall : 'Okay first thing, i'm not 'The Riall Stone' just 'Riall'. Second, i'm not that quiet, but I have to maintain some discipline so... And third, I really don't know why does everyone fucking think I have an 'attitude' problem; even tho i'm nice to everyone!'

Shawn : 'No its just that that you seemed to be a quiet person. And yeah, you do have an attitude problem..'

Riall : 'No, i'm definitely not quiet and nor do I have any 'attitude' -_-'

Shawn : 'Uhhh, Whatever....So are you gonna come tomorrow as well to study? Where would you sit?'

Riall : 'Yeah, I have to. And most probably i'll be sitting in the admin, its silent there so I can study well...'

Shawn : 'Oh well, do come then. Tomorrow also you'll find students roaming near the admin. LOL'

Riall : 'Wait, what? What does that even mean?'

Shawn : 'You remember the first day you were in the library and there was so much rush after the recess. And only that day, like all the days till now the place is always crowded. Its actually because this one girl and its you. ;)'

Wait, what? Is he serious? This is actually funny. As if i'm a film star or something...But boys will be boys after all.

Riall : 'Ahahahaha. Thats actually funny, I mean seriously?! LOL!'

Shawn : 'Yes Riall, and tbh, you were the only reason even I used to be there; at a library. You really think I would study? No. It was you.'

My eyes wide open to his text.

Did he really used to come for me? I mean, he looks like a guy who doesn't give a fuck to anyone; and he comes to this place where he wouldn't have been ever, just to see me? That is crazy tbh.

A small yet deep smile lighted my face up from the thought. But then, it faded. It faded because deep inside I knew that this isn't going too far and it really doesn't matter; No one from the last year has been able to change the way I think and I really don't think anyone will.

Because I never give chance to anyone to get closer to me...

Because i'm afraid if I hurt someone...again. And that not everyone has a heart like mine; no one can be trusted...right? 


Gonna update the chapters real soon now.

Please keep reading :)

Do vote if you like my story so far...

ThankYou once again :) x

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