[ ~ Chapter 3 ~ ]

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(2 months later)

Uzui's POV

I got called for a hashira metting, supposedly there a demon, and it may be an uppermoon. I got ready by putting on all my flashy accesories and before I left my estate I looked in the mirror to admire how flamboyant i looked, then left the bedroom I was in and went to the front door and went off to the meeting area.

(Time skip)

I made it to the meeting taking in my surrounding's and noticed one hashira was missing, mitsuri. That was all though, and it didnt really bother me. I sat next to rengoku kneeling down with him about to greet him, then out of nowhere heard someone shout "Ahhh!!! I'm sorry im late!!" I could already tell who it was before turning around it was mitsuri not really a flashy entrace if you ask me "It's perfectly fine, as long as you're here." I looked forward still kneeling down, it was the master. Mitsuri ran to a spot to kneel down. He began to speak "Hello, I hope you all are having a splendid day so far, and i hope you are looking forward to today and for what I have planned for some of you." He stopped and coughed a but then continued "Uzui, Rengoku I have a mission for you, there seems to be a demon in a town and has killed many, many, people so far and im afraid it may be an uppermoon,  just to be safe I will be sending the both of you." I nooded and so did Rengoku and he then began speaking again "Shinobu and Giyuu, I also have a mission for you, I want you to ward off any demons nearby for the next week, there seems to be many coming too close for comfort. I dont want any of you getting hurt now do I?" He smiled. They both nodded in sync, and with that being said the meeting ended, and everyone was leaving except for me and Rengoku. We walked to the master to get the information of where to go and after a bit of explaining we went off on this "journey"
__________________________________Jeezzzz 3 chapters in one day? Well in almost one day 😅 I must have lots of free time and boredom.. ANYWAYS 419 WORDS IM SO HAPPY also its a short chapter I hope yall enjoy anyway and i might write more tomorrow and I always enjoy feedback on my chapters because i helps me improve the book and tells me wether you enjoy it or not!! Thanks for reading!! :)

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