The Beginning of a New Chapter

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"I heard you guys at two in the morning." Bill spoke rubbing his eyes. I laughed, apologising. Jenny walked out of her bedroom, clearly in a mood.

"I didn't get any sleep last night." She spat.

"Sorry Jenny, we didn't mean to keep you up." I said back.

"Oh really, your just a massive bitch with a big ego." She replied. My face dropped. What did she say?

"Just because you and Tom are 'together', you think you are all that. Well guess what, Tom keeps a girl for a while before he discards them like a used condom. That's what he'll do to you, you know when the sex gets boring." She carried on.

"You say all this but your the one still dreaming he'd be inside of you." I crossed my arms as Bill smirked.

"Please hun, He's been inside me alright. When he was in America, fucked me all night." She smiled.
As if she thought that would annoy me.

"Yeah and that's why he totally stayed with you and didn't come back to me. Clearly showed the sex was bad." I replied. She walked over to the kitchen island.

"You're just a hoe. Hoes don't get kept , they get thrown away." She spoke. At that moment, Tom walked out of his room.

"Your just jealous he didn't pick you. That's fine I don't care, but don't be a big baby about it. Move on." I looked her dead in the eyes.

"I think you've overstayed your time." Toms voice rang. She turned to him.

"But? But I came to see you!" She whined.

"I didn't even know you were coming. Frankly, leaving America was me leaving you." He spoke.
I could see her eyes becoming watery.

"Fuck you all! Tom I'm literally a model, and what is she? Yet you still picked her? I can't even. You have a fucking ugly girlfriend when you can have me! I hate you all, I hate you too Bill." She spat, her fists balling up.

"What the hell have I done?" Bill looked up at her and crossed his arms, pulling a face.

"You are a cockblock. Me and Tom would have had sex if you didn't walk through the door of my apartment." She ran over to the spare room.

I began to laugh. This was the funniest shit I had witnessed so early in the morning. Bill joined in, chuckling. Tom walked over to the kitchen and placed a kiss on my head.
"I hoped this means she's leaving." He complained. It would be such a relief if she left.

She stormed out of her room an hour later, juggling all her stuff in her arms. Rushing over to the front door, she opened it and slammed it. I turned to Bill and then Tom. We all started screaming as I got up and celebrated. The witch had finally left.
"I think we should get dinner tonight." I announced. They both nodded.
"In fact, why don't we invite Georg and Gustav." I added. I feel like I hadn't seen them in forever.
"You and Tom book somewhere. I need to get ready and go shopping." Bill spoke as he left the kitchen to go to his room.

I reached for the body wash, squirting it in my hand and lathering it on my body. The door swung open and closed immediately. "You are taking too long." He spoke, removing his clothes and getting the shower with me. I turned and faced him, smiling. I did love him, I really did. He smiled back. We showered for ages until we got out and decided to get ready. It was three and the booking was at five thirty.


"I feel like I haven't seen you guys in ages!" I spoke to Gustav and Georg as we waited for our table. The restaurant we book was a fancy Greek restaurant downtown. The boys dressed a bit more put together then usual: Bill, wearing the same makeup but his hair straightened; Tom, black oversized jeans with a nice top on; Georg, his hair looked silkier then ever; and Gustav, dressed smartly with his hair neatly done. I wore a classy, black dress with my hair curled and a red lipstick on my lips.

"Do you have a booking?" The waiter came up to us. I nodded.
"Envy for five thirty?" I spoke. His eyes flicked up and down the paper and ticked my name.
"Follow me." He said, leading the way. Walking towards our table, I noticed a table of girls perk up.
"Tom kaulitz! No way." I heard one of them whisper.
I hope this meant we could have a nice meal without interruption. We all sat down. I peered at the menu, deciding on what I wanted to eat.
"So did Jenny leave?" Gustav said.
"Finally yes." Tom replied.
We all chatted for a while until we ordered food and waited for it.

"Table for two please." I heard a familiar voice speak.
I looked up, my eyes looking around until I spotted Charlie. They came to the same restaurant! However, Charlie looked agitated and nervous, not like her. Joe was bedside her, getting the table. Tom followed my eye-line, his hand caressing my thigh.
"It's Charlie." He whispered in my ear. I nodded. Something wasn't right. Was he proposing tonight? Maybe that would explain why she looked so worried. If he was, that would be a good thing because I was here to see. The waiter lead her to a table near us, close enough so I could talk to her. She perked up a bit when she spotted me, then her movement dropped again, turning her half smile into a frown. Seriously, something wasn't right. Our waiter came to the table, a tray full of food.
"Your food. Chefs compliments to Tokio Hotel." The waiter smiled. Bill smiled back as we all took our plates. I glanced over at Char again, her face still as ever and not a single word left her mouth. I could see Joes face turn as he asked her repeatedly if she was okay. "I have to go." I announced to the table.
"But your food?" Tom looked at me, raising his eyebrow.
"Something is wrong with Charlie." I spoke, walking away. They would understand. I shuffled over to their table. Joe stood up and took my arm.
"Envy there is something wrong with her. She hasn't been talking and she looks upset. Is she mad at me?" He said, clearly alarmed.
"I'll talk to her." I spoke back. Had he done something to her? I placed my hand on her shoulder.
"Charlie why don't we go to the bathroom?" I said, she looked at me and nodded.

"What's wrong? Has he done something to you?" My worry was beginning to grow larger. Her eyes began to water up. I pulled her into a hug.
"Babe, what is wrong? You haven't been like this before. Please tell me so I can help." I spoke, calming her. She pulled away, her hands gripping my arms.
"He has done something to me." What!
"He's hit you? Has he touched you?" I said, I was becoming annoyed.
"No Envy! He's impregnated me. I'm fucking pregnant." She shouted. My jaw dropped. I would of reacted jumping up and down and screaming, however she didn't seem that way.
"Are you not happy?" I said to her. Tears began to roll down her cheek. She shook her head.
"He'll leave me. We aren't even married yet. You don't understand, I can't have this baby. He will leave me." She blurted out. Joe didn't seem like the type of man to be like that? I pulled her into a tight squeeze, while she sobbed in my arms.
"How about I talk to him?" I whispered as I soothed her. She nodded.

Charlie placed herself down in her chair.
"Have you been crying? Baby what's wrong?" Joe looked at her and then at me.
"Can we talk outside Joe." I spoke. He followed me out the door and into the cold breeze.
"What's wrong with her?" He said, growing more and more concerned.
"She's pregnant." I announced. His frown turned into a smile.
"With my baby? She's pregnant with my child! Why is she so upset about it?" He spoke.
"She said you wouldn't be happy?" I replied back. Why was she so worried?
"Because we were talking about getting married and I told her I wouldn't want to have a baby now because I was going to propose. All I meant was that there would be two celebrations we would celebrate instead of one at a time. I never said I would leave her if she was pregnant now! I'm so happy!" He yelled excitedly. I smiled. We both walked back into the restaurant, I departed leaving them two to celebrate on their own before I celebrated with her.
"What was that all about?" Tom asked me. I smiled.
"She's pregnant." I spoke. He smiled.

For the rest of the evening, we chatted on the table. We conversed about the new album and Gustav's new girlfriend. I was joyful. Everything seemed at peace.

I climbed into bed, his arms wrapping around my bare body. He kissed my head.
"You know when I left for America, I realised you were the girl for me. I didn't believe in love until you came along. I love you." He whispered.
"I love you too." I replied back.

"Will you move in with me?" He said.

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