Sisters are the worst

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In the mist of a battle Natasha mistakenly called Thor's hammer but it was only Steve that saw this and she made him promise not to tell anyone.

If there was no witness she would have thought it was a figment of a very wild imagination cause this happened after she rejected the offer of trying to lift the hammer along with her remaining teammates


It's been almost two years since that happened not very long but with all that happened, civil war, reuniting with her family,taking down the redroom all while being on the run. Being able to wield Thor's hammer which was something she wanted to forget was definitely not the first thing on her mind which is what led to her present predicament.
Let's back up little so you understand what's really going on

Earlier that day
Natasha POV
The year has been going really great so far, this time last year I'm pretty sure I was on the run, thankfully Peter was able to convince Tony that the accord wasn't in anyone's best interest.
Tony got the team back together and rebuilt the avengers tower so we actually have a place to stay.
I introduced yelena to the team when she came visiting,which is kind of funny cause one would think a visit wouldn't last longer than two weeks,but she's still here after a year being an absolute pain in my butt, which she claims is her job cause she's my younger sister.

There hasn't been a need for any serious battle this year,we still get missions from time to time but nothing really huge. Thor has been off the planet and Banner comes and goes.
Thor the reason for my predicament, yes we have finally reached that part of the story, here goes nothing I sighed at the thought. "This whole thing must be making me crazy cause now I'm talking to myself " I groan in frustration as I try to calm myself down

The day started like any other, I woke up got my coffee, went for a run with Steve, when we got back we trained a little I didn't want to exhaust myself cause I still had to train with yelena later today.
We find out Thor's back and the kids seem to have taken great interest in his stories so he was surrounded by Kate,Peter,Cassie and Yelena which was surprising actually.
I let her be and went to continue my book on the couch it wasn't the best place today cause Thor had an inbuilt speaker in his body, so I couldn't actually concentrate and enjoy what I was reading I'm sure Yelena noticed this cause she started asking questions, pretending to be very excited and interested in his stories just to make him louder.

If Cassie's here then Scott's probably somewhere in the tower. It's kinda of like when they unshrink,they just pop up in the tower whenever and leave after a day or two.

After what seemed like forever,Yelena stopped asking questions and came to where I was, she had this mischievous look on her face that told me she was definitely up to something and my thoughts never seem to be wrong,I wish it was though cause she just hopped on my body like I was a part of the furniture. She takes this so-called job of annoying me pretty seriously. A job that was definitely self appointed you don't really need to check to know that she made that up.

I rolled my eyes "Get off me" I said as I tried to push her off my body, everyone seemed to find joy in my struggle cause there were some not so silent chuckles going round the room an amazing upgrade from the first time this happened it looked like they were sincerely scared for Yelena's life, which was really sweet of them considering they just met her like two or three hours before the whole encounter. I would have laughed at their facial expressions then if I wasn't being squashed by the oversized baby that just happened to be my sister. The team's pretty much used to it now. I wish they weren't cause I never actually got a chance to laugh at their faces, I was too busy trying not to die of suffocation, that's definitely one of the lamest way to die.

Back to the elephant on my body, I managed to push her to the floor and change my position before she got up. "Younger sisters are so annoying, all you only kids should be grateful" I smirked when I heard Yelena's over exaggerated gasp of offense "hey"she said trying to sound as she pushed me off the couch proving my point "see what I mean" I said to no one in particular cause the whole team had their attention on us by now I'm sure they find us very entertaining.

I turn to Yelena as I help myself up and ask "what do you want?" "Nothing much just fulfilling my duties as a younger sibling" she says with a shrug and a goofy smile that makes me really want to punch her. "Anything else"? I ask as I dust myself off. "na"she pauses as if thinking of other ways to make me miserable then her face lights up, not a good sign for me. Gosh I wonder what she's up to now , fortunately she shared her plans with me "do you think Thor brought his hammer with him? I kinda want to see it in action, maybe I could get him to tell the story of how he got the hammer " anyone else would think she was genuinely excited to hear about this story but I know my sister and the look on her tells me she just wants to " fulfil her duties" as she would put it . "Well why don't you go find out" I tell her trying to continue my book, she stands up to leave walking backwards as she says "wish me luck"

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