The interrogation

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Yelena's POV
Tony decided that we should compile a list of questions saying if Natasha was down for an interrogation then we should give her a real one. And that's exactly how we got ourselves into this situation where every person is shouting a question, these are the most disorganised Americans I've come across, they are so loud. No wonder Natasha decided to take a walk first,I think this is her way of punishing or in her words "revenge"

Natasha knows how much I hate loud noises when I'm trying to think after what just happened I really need to think at this rate I don't think I'm going to get anywhere with my thoughts if these group of overgrown children keep making so much noise " I think all of you should calm down" I suggested looking to Steve for some help I'm surprised he didn't go look for Natasha but I'm grateful he's here cause he stepped up and said "how about we all take our time and gather all the questions we want to ask before Natasha gets back--" I already said that popsicle try coming up with your own id--" Tony interrupted but he shut up when he saw the glare I sent his way, that's a perfect reaction almost made me laugh but we're trying to have a serious conversation so I just turned back to the fossil and told him to go on " ok then, how about we do what Tony said but we do so quietly" he said it sounded like a suggestion but surprisingly it worked. I can't believe that actually worked, I'm impressed.

I suggested that we only ask a total of five questions at most, they didn't seem to agree at first but I made it clear that they weren't going to be able to make Natasha sit through a total of twenty questions, that brought them to their senses so now we're removing all unnecessary questions and cutting the list to five questions at most.

We've been able to cut it down to five questions now, but there's one question that I don't want them asking Natasha, the tension would be too much and I can't just cancel it so I decided to answer it for her " I'm sure the reason Natasha didn't tell anybody she could lift the space god's hammer was because she didn't believe it herself. We black widows are more known for our assassinations skills, never anything good,So she definitely wondered why she could wield the hammer when America's golden boy couldn't. I don't want her thinking that again so nobody's asking this question" I said as I removed the question from the list.

I looked up to be met with gloomy faces "this is exactly why I answered the question I don't want Natasha going through this tension" I thought, sighing I tried to think of something to say to reduce the tension " I'm sure if Natasha wasn't ready to tell you guys,she would have just pushed me out of the way instead of catching the hammer" I said, it didn't work " there's also the possibility that she forgot" I added, that got a few chuckles.

Kate started laughing, " hmm, I didn't think it would be that funny" I thought, my confusion must have shown on my face. "I just thought of the black widow doing her signature pose with Thor's hammer" she explained, that caused a round of laughter in the room, it is funny to think about -i mean it might look cool but it's still funny.

The tension was completely gone now I looked around and everyone seemed eager for the interrogation, Tony excused himself explaining about making some changes before Natasha gets back,we decided to watch a movie while we wait for me Natasha to get back. We just had to find something everyone could agree on, I looked around as some argued over what to watch, others just sat as if waiting to see who would win and Steve just continued his sketch, he seemed pretty much used to it, like it was a daily routine.

They really are family, my sister chose a great one for us,I smiled at the thought as I joined the people on the couch and watched to see what movie was going to win.

Natasha's POV
"Phew" I sighed in relief, thankfully I was able to get away before during that little exchange of words or whatever Tony decides to call it,that was going on between him and Steve.
I have about ten minutes to prepare myself for whatever they're planning in my absence. "Hmm maybe I should get us something to eat" I thought seeing a store just across the street,"At least this would keep my mind preoccupied for some time" I said as I made my way to the store.

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