Thor's pranks

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Natasha's POV
If I recall correctly there were about five incidents. I noticed the kids still looked very confused so I decided to enlighten them.
"When Thor realised no one could lift the hammer he decided to use it against everyone" I said they got the joke and started laughing too. "Can you tell us what happened" Kate asked looking excited to hear the story " yeah sure" the others tried to protest but the kids were already invested.

-------The kitchen-------
I just got back from my morning run with Steve when I noticed the rest of the team trying to get into the kitchen, Thor was in there and he had used Mjolnir as a door stopper so no matter how hard they pushed they couldn't get it. Tony hadn't gotten his early morning coffee so he looked like an unleashed zombie as he tried to make his way into the kitchen, Clint was trying to get into the vent, it was a very funny sight. I'm pretty sure if banner was here he would have been just as bad as Tony. I laughed at the scene before me as I went about my morning routine.

Later that day,
------the refrigerator------
After my training session I decided to find out if the boys had successfully gotten into the kitchen. With that in mind I made my way to the kitchen, when I got there the door was open"that's a good sign" I said going in to get a glass of water. I got in to find out Thor had moved Mjolnir from the kitchen door to the front of the refrigerator, so nobody had access to anything in the fridge Thor wasn't even in the kitchen. Tony seemed satisfied with the fact that he now had access to his coffee, that was until he thought to add some milk to his cup. Which means, they just got into the kitchen now and none of them had noticed that Thor left his hammer by the fridge until now.

Tony tried to shake the fridge open but that obviously didn't work, he eventually gave up and just took his coffee black. Steve came for a glass of orange juice he didn't notice the hammer at first and it seemed to have moved a bit, I only noticed that cause I've been trained to notice little details whether, he tried opening it again but it didn't budge so he gave up on his orange juice and got a glass of water instead. I decided to get something to eat then I entertained myself by watching the boys fail at their attempts to open the fridge.

I slapped Clint's hand away as he tried to steal a slice of my sandwich,"with that attitude,you're definitely not getting a taste of my pizza "he said as he made his way to the fridge to get his pizza completely forgetting about Thor's hammer. I laughed when he tried and failed repeatedly at his attempt to open the refrigerator,"are you sure you're going to get a taste of your pizza? " I asked with a teasing smile, before letting out a chuckle as he stuck his tongue out at me he had such a "mature" response.

I have no idea what Tony wanted to get but he was the person who brought up the idea of breaking the wall behind the refrigerator and just pushing the refrigerator through the wall. It's a smart and stupid idea at the same time. They broke the wall, it's Stark's tower so he can do whatever he wants with it I just can't believe they actually did it ,ok I can I just didn't expect Steve to be involved.

The wall was rebuilt and Thor didn't try anymore pranks for the rest of the day.

*****Movie night*****
------the elevator ------
Tony called an avengers meeting or some team bonding as he put it, a date had been picked and the movie we'll be watching would be picked when everyone gets here.

That was the start of our annual movie nights. Today just happened to be the special movie night and I noticed everyone seemed to be taking the stairs I don't understand why. I found out the reason when the doors of the elevator opened. Thor had put his hammer in the elevator, the elevator wasn't going up "i guess the elevator isn't worthy" I thought. I decided to take the elevator and see the reactions of everyone else when they come up and they meet me there. With that in mind I picked up Mjolnir and pressed my floor number, when I got up nobody was there, good. I sat in the living room waiting to see who would get here first.

Tony was the first, he didn't seem to notice my presence as made his way to his lab mumbling something about this being exactly why he needed a private elevator. Everyone else for here not too long after him and they all made their way to the kitchen to get themselves something to drink. Bruce was the first to notice me and when he did he asked how I got there so fast, I was about to reply when Clint cut me off saying he doesn't remember seeing me on the stairs at all. I only smiled and told them " a black widow never reveals her secret" nobody said anything after that and Steve just gave me a look that said "i know exactly what you did".

Later that day,
----The remote----
Thankfully, Thor arrived before our guest and he had removed his hammer from the elevator before their arrival.

We've all gathered in the movie theatre and they are currently trying to decide on which movie to watch. After about thirty minutes of trading different movie titles they finally settled on one. The nanny diaries, they said something about choosing it cause the main leads look a lot like me and Steve.

Tony tried to lift the remote but it seemed to be glued to the table, he was getting more annoyed by the minute " who decided to play such a stupid prank ? Cause this isn't funny he said looking around" after five more trials and failures Tony suggested that we go to another room or just watch the movie in the sitting room. We chose to watch in the sitting room and that's why our annual movie nights are done in the living room and not in the movie theatre. It was later discovered that Thor can change the shape of his hammer, and that he just replaced the remote with Mjolnir and hid the real one somewhere else "that explains why the buttons weren't working" I thought

----Tony's lab----
The next day
I came down to make myself a cup of coffee or tea i still can't decide which one I like best, I decided to go for a cup of tea instead. I was sipping my tea when pepper came in with Tony hot on her trails begging her for something, I have no idea what it is but I'm sure I'll find out sooner or later.

I was right. I found out later that Tony's lab door has been shut close by Thor's hammer. I thought Thor was done with his pranks, I guess I was wrong. Unlike the refrigerator he can't just break down a wall to get in because there's a high risk of something blowing up. "he can just cut out the shape of Thor's hammer and open the door " there's no way I'm telling him that besides his a genius he should be able to figure that out by himself.

Apparently pepper was the person who told Thor to block Tony's door and she enabled a program that doesn't give Friday assess to the lab door, so Tony can only get into the lab by manually opening the door I almost feel bad for the poor guy.
They were able to come to an agreement.

-------End of flashback--------

"And that's why Tony always listens whenever pepper tells him that he's been spending too much time in the lab" I said. At this point everyone was laughing, the kids joined in this time cause they finally understood what was funny. I guess the thought of Tony following pepper around like a lost puppy is just that funny. " Did Thor ever prank you guys again after that ? " Cassie asked and I answered her saying,"Thor never pranked us again but he's been off planet until today so that doesn't really count".

We decided to watch a movie before going to bed. The kids said they wanted to watch nanny diaries to see if the main leads really did look like me and Steve, the older ones did not want to watch this cause we've watched this before, I sat on the couch with Steve and Yelena as we watched to see who would win this round. After a few exchange of words and puppy dog eyes from the kids we found ourselves rewatching the nanny diaries.

I looked around to see all eyes on the screen this is nice I thought, turning back to the movie.

Today was definitely not like any other day but it wasn't the worst day either. What made my day was when Yelena whispered in my ear " I'm glad you chose this family for us, I like them" she said before turning back to the movie with a smile on her face.
" I like them too" I thought mirroring her smile as I tucked myself into Steve. Not a bad day at all.

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