What just happened?

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Tony's POV
So far, It's been a pretty normal day in the compound.

Early morning coffee, lab time with the kid,training,peps been saying I'm being a bad influence on Peter cause  we keep staying in the lab all day so I decided we should take a break from the lab today.

Besides that the day is going smoothly, pretty much a normal day except Thor just got back from space so there's that.
We were all trying to carry out our daily activities while simultaneously doing our very best to ignore Thor's tales of glory, though the kids seem to be enjoying themselves. Speaking of kids it turns out the little red has a sister and she kinda lives with us now, she's pretty funny and she does things sometimes that makes me wonder if she has a death wish,like the first day she came to the tower, I thought capsicle would have to intervene so she'll come out with only a couple of broken bones and a fifty/fifty chance of  her life intact.

The day Yelena came just happened to be the day for our annual movie night. We have movie nights every other night, these ones special cause every other avenger comes to the tower, it's like a sleepover every adult takes the day off for some well deserved rest. Some kids tag along with their parents or in shuri's case their sibling

〰️〰️ Flashback 〰️〰️

Everyone had settled down and while there was space on the couch some people preferred to stay on the floor, things were going great.

Yelena ran across the room drawing everyone persons attention, she landed on a sleeping Natasha making the widow groan in pain. The whole room went silent, only noise being the movie playing in the background, I looked around just to be sure I wasn't the only one seeing these, turns out I wasn't cause hands were hanging mid air with popcorn, Peter looked like he was making a silent prayer for the blonde,Steve looked like he was trying to figure out if he should say something or not, he didn't though just stood there frozen in shock while everyone else watched to see what would happen to the little blonde that just joined the house. Natasha who was now partially awake looked up “Fuck! Yelena get off me” she groaned as she pushed the blonde off the seat and turned back to sleep “what? that's it! if that was me I'll have made friends with the grim reaper by now” I whispered to Clint who looked just as shocked as I and everyone else in the room but this Yelena girl didn't understand that her life had just been spared , because she stood up and jumped on the widow again this time gripping unto the arms of the chair to hold her put Natasha who seemed pretty determined to sleep kept her eyes closed as she continued to push the blonde away,Steve offered the blonde another chair but she said she'll be sitting there Natasha finally opened her eyes obviously frustrated with the disturbance,she continued pushing the girl until she gave up sleeping and just moved so the blonde could sit with her.

“Why'd you pause the movie? Natasha asked  “oh we just wanted to see if we'll be planning any funerals this week” I replied looking from her to the blonde, she just looked around and sighed “don't get siblings, I wouldn't recommend” she said making the blonde let out a very dramatic gasp of offense as she kicked her of the couch, making us all hold our breaths as Natasha stood up, surprisingly she did nothing, she just moved to sit with Steve as she added “ especially younger ones, sisters to be specific” catching a pillow that was thrown her way without even looking. She laid on the couch put her legs across Steve's lap and used the pillow she caught to support her head. Then she looked at the screen and told Friday to continue the movie,like that was the most normal thing ever she must still be feeling sleepy cause she didn't even tease Steve when he started blushing.

She ended up turning him into her bed before the end of the movie that would have been shocking but she just came back from a mission and she normally sleeps for a day or two days straight depends on how stressful the mission was and Steve being her bed didn't come as a surprise either cause everyone knows their dating except them.
Back to the present
Yelena seemed to have gotten tired of Thor cause  she was back to disturbing the little red which at this point is just a daily dose of comedy in the compound, I wasn't really focused on them cause Peter came up to me telling me something about how Thor wants to show them his hammer which to him was apparently the coolest thing ever he said as he skipped back to continue geeking about the awesomeness of Thor, who seemed to distracted by the praise to think of how dangerous it is to call his hammer from across a room full of people.

The kids looked up to see the hammer coming their way fortunately the path was clear until a distracted Yelena started walking backwards as she shouted “wish me luck” to Natasha who looked focused on her book.
"Good luck” Natasha said not looking up from her book, but she seemed to notice something was wrong cause she looked up from her book and the next I see is Yelena and  her on the floor Natasha with Thor's hammer in hand scolding Yelena for not paying attention to her surroundings the little blonde seemed to shocked to reply, Natasha obviously didn't notice these cause she just continued to scold the kid.
If I didn't know any better I'll think she's torturing the poor girl. But that's not important let's get back to the fact that Natasha stopped Thor's hammer from getting to him and she's still holding it in her hands which means--
“ woah! you can weild Thor's hammer? Peter said as he started bouncing on his toes obviously excited “I thought nobody but Thor could hold his hammer that is so cool” and he continued to ramble about how awesome she is. “Hold on let's back up a little, Natasha can wield Thor's hammer? I asked. Everyone else seemed to be processing what just happened except Steve he didn't look surprised at all he- “you knew about this, didn't you? I asked as I turned to him. “Yes”that's the only thing he said before he turned back to finish the sketch he was making in his book. “Yes! That's all you have to say? How did you even find out and why didn't you-“I didn't tell anyone because it's not my place to tell, and I'm pretty sure the only reason I know is because I was there when it happened”steve said cutting me off before I could even finish the question.“Is that why she didn't try to pick the hammer when the rest of us did? She did say it wasn't a question she needed answered was that because she already knew the answer? I asked Steve “ I don't know”steve replied, he really did look like he didn't know “I guess the only way to find out is to ask Nat” I sighed

I'm not angry about the situation at all if anything I'm proud of the little red, even though I'm never going to tell her that. Turns out Natasha left during my chat with capsicle, Yelena said Natasha left saying she wanted to take a walk before she gets interrogated. Good, that means she's actually ready to talk about it.

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