The Letter

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Dear Aditi,

I know me leaving like this will break all those promises I made to you, but I have my reasons. I don't think it's going to workout with us, and I want you to move on. Forget me and decide what you want from this life. I am not the right guy for right now, and I don't know when I will be. Just know me leaving you has nothing to do with you, and more to do with the incident at hand. I need some time, and I don't want to hold you down. It's time for you to turn things around. It's time for you to think about your future. Don't trust strangers and don't second guess yourself. More importantly stay out of trouble and be careful.


Aditi's POV

It's been 2 days since Aditya left. Two days of pure torture. The reporters have been all over the place to hear about the merger that was suppose to take place. Plus they have been making stories as to why Aditya left me. It's frustrating enough that the media is all over the place, but my family thinks I am some kind of a fragile doll as well always tiptoeing around the subject about the Kashaps. I have had enough and I am absolutely done with this. hurts. It hurts that Aditya invited my family to see him off but didn't want me to come. Yes it hurts that all he left me was a stupid letter. Yes it hurts that he left me after spending a romantic night with me. But I am Aditi Singh! If the world thinks that one bad relationship is going to slow me down they have a whole other thing coming. I am a tornado the world can't handle. Besides I never was a damsel in distress. If there is anything in this world that can stop me it's probably going to be my death...speaking of which...

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