8 - Driving

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Once he got there he didn't even need to text me, Mina's squeals gave it away. She came knocking my door down as Tetsu opened the front. He was doing his 'fatherly' routine. Most likely blocking the doorway all puffed up and grumble-y, I bet Bakugou matched his energy too. As I walked out with Mina who was chatting her head off about her excitement and how proud she was of me I noticed I was right. Both were puffed up defensively, chests nearly touching, arms crossed and eyes locked onto each other.

"T! Cut it out! You goddam guard dog!" She shouted making him take a step back, I went to the door and Bakugou smiled. "Oh! Babe you almost forgot your shake!" Mina came running with a travel mug in hand. Bakugou looked at the cup then to me, then to Mina.

"Babe?" He hissed out, almost angrily, his puffiness came back. Yet again Tetsu matched it. God this is so embarrassing. Kill me now.

"Oh hun, don't get all worked up. I call everyone babe. Got it? Babe?" Mina flashed a cocky grin. I blushed shutting the door on them and leaving, hoping nothing worse would happen that night.

"Shake? What shake?" He asked inquisitively while looking at the mug I was holding, I opened it with a sigh showing him the sludge. He gagged "What the hell is that? Are they trying to kill you!" He laughed out staring at it.

"Doctors orders, 2 servings of 'meal correction' a day." I laughed back, he couldn't keep his eyes off of it. His brows knit together in confusion. 

"Ugh that can't be good for you." He grunted. I dumped the liquid into the trashcan beside me as we walked. 

"Eh, I don't really drink them anyways." He got even more concerned. 

"Wait, meal corrector? Why?" I shrugged, I wasn't really willing to delve into the world that is my eating problems.

"Doctors orders." Was all I gave, I noticed his increasing worry but kept walking in silence. We made it to his car, it was a nice car. Sleek black Mercedes with the hood ornament and everything. I put my mug down on by the wall knowing I would grab it later. We got in and he began to drive, I had no clue where to, he was going fast, much faster than the speed limit.

"By the way, my friends are vultures. Be careful. They'll use anything against you. If you don't feel comfortable just let me know, got it? I'll put them back in place." He spoke calmly but I could barely focus on his words. It had taken me a whole week after coming out of the hospital to get in a car and drive myself, this was the first time I had let someone else drive. My nails dug into the leather eat as I began to panic. Shit I forgot my pills. I noticed he glanced at me. I felt the car pull to the shoulder of the road and his seatbelt unbuckle. "Whoa, I was only warning you they can be mean at times, nothing will happen. I promise." I gave no response as my breathing got worse, I was now hyperventilating. "Kirishima?" I didn't respond. I couldn't respond. Out of no where I felt a heavy compression around my body, he was... hugging me? Bakugou nearly crushed me in a hug. Why a hug now of times? 

"Five things you can see." I was confused and panicking, he was confusing me. "Name five things you can see right now." I thought for a second before taking a deep breath and talking, my voice trembling and low.

"Uhh. Gravel, tree, grass, pavement, cloud." I listed, his hand reached up and began stroking my back. 

"Good. Now four things you can touch." I continued.

"Seat, leather, my leg, you." I felt his cheeks flex on my shoulder as he smiled. 

"Awesome, three things you can hear."

"My heart, your breath, ac."

"Good job, almost done." I felt... calmer? "two things you can smell." 

"Cologne, air freshener." Did his cologne always smell this good? I took a second waft of it. 

"Now one thing you can taste?" I sighed as he began to loosen his grip. 

"Blood." I didn't notice I bit my tongue in panic but I had, my mouth filled with the metallic taste. I was completely calm. "How..." I was baffled, I could never calm myself without taking my medication first. My mind was completely clear for the first time in a while and I could breath without the feeling of someone sitting on my chest. 

"I grew up with Deku, have you seen him? He's a fucking walking ball of anxiety. It's a game we used to play when he would get panic attacks. The compression helps." I took in a deep breath, appreciating the calm atmosphere of the car. 

"Well clearly it works." He smiled at that. 

"Am I good to start driving again?" I stayed silent for a few moments and he was patient, the only thing that gave away in frustration was his thumb tapping against the steering wheel.

"Yes. But take it a bit slower." And he did, he drove 10 under the speed limit the whole way. Even a few people honked or flashed us, he just flipped them off. 

(889 Words)

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