Chapter - 4 (EDITED)

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Hello?......yes........she didn't tell me about it..........i am sorry....... I'll talk to her about it and it'll not happen again.'
I hear my mom talking to someone on the phone. While i was lazily lying on the couch watching, i don't know what. My eyes wanting to close.

'how was your day at school?' Mom said.

When did she get off the phone?

'As usual, nothing much.' I said, forcing my eyes to stay open to see where she was.
She was standing at the foot of the couch with her hands on hips, looking at me with a look of anger?

Why would she be angry? With me?
And she never really asked about how was my day. It was dad's job to ask that.

Suddenly my eyes snapped open, as i connected the dots. Don't tell me-

'So, it's 'as usual' for you to arrive late in class and get detention. And then you dump your detention so you can do an argument?' Mum said now crossing her arms.
I abruptly stood up, trying to think of  something.

think of something. Fast. Wha-

'I got a call from your school. And how did you get detention?'

'I....I took wrong books from the locker, till the time i got the right ones it was too late.' I lied, obviously.

'Your'e grounded! For one whole week you're not allowed to leave the house except for school ' mom shouted at me sternly.

I blinked and stood still.
And i process it slowly. What just happened?


I'm grounded for the whole fucking week. That's horrible.

That's what you expected?
Hehehe you're wrong.

Well, not for me. I basically live off of books and fantasies. It can't get any better. Finally after a long weird day.


I'm grounded for a whole one week which means that for seven days-

I could read as much as I want.
No one entering my world. No one interrupting my personal space.
It's not that i am pushing anyone away.
Its just that i would appreciate if they would maintain a certain distance.

And the most important thing.... I DON'T HAVE TO SOCIALISE WITH STRANGERS!
It's a blessing in disguise.
i can live in my own little shell for a weak.

'Did i say something wrong?' Mom asked comfused.

'Ummm.... No! Absolutely not. I'll stay in my room for the whole weak-'

'-except going to school'

'Yes, except going to school. I won't go anywhere.'

Mum nodded. Still confused at my expressions.

Just as i was about to go upstairs,
'Ohh and i hope you don't forget our new neighbors are coming tonight for dinner. We talked about this yesterday, and wear a dress. I'll call you when they'll arrive.'

New neighbors? Dinner?

Ohhh shit!!!!!

How can i forget this? Apparently the family that was living next to us have shifted somewhere else. I don't know the place. And i was happy when i got to know that. I don't wanna come off as rude or something, but their kids were monsters. Their room was right across mine and they would throw stones at my window for no reason. Their mother denied that when mom told her what her kids did.
Now that they have gone, who lives the next door?

Still lost in my thoughts, i enter my room. And straight up go to my window.
I notice there isn't much distance between these houses and anyone can easily reach from there.

Who made these houses? Like don't you know about the word priavcy?

I didn't realize first but the window across from mine, was opened.

'maybe reading detective novels wasn't a bad idea.' I muttered to myself as curiosity gets the best of me.

I leaned towards that room trying to get the best look from where i can figure out something.

Okay, so that room definitely belongs to a teenage boy, who is obsessed with marvel movies. I can see avengers poster and some of the collectible figurines of them.
There's isn't much in the line of sight from my window. I can only see the bed, where sheets are in a mess ball and the wall that is left side of the bed, has the marvel posters.

Feeling content with whatever i have figured out, i jump onto my bed and not before closing my window. Cause who knows how is that boy like. I know one thing for sure, that room belongs to a teenager, maybe of my age?

I had a thought that if i am grounded for a week, so that means i should stay in my room as much as i can. I should not go downstairs tonight for dinner. Because:
1. I don't like socializing.
2. I don't like socializing.
3. I don't like socializing.
4. I don't li-

And my stomach growls, making its presence to notice.

And now i am hungry.

Grabbing my phone, i look at the time and  its almost time for the dinner.

Wearing my usual trackpants and basic white t-shirt i go downstairs. As i am on the last step, Daniel comes with a horrified look on his face. Dragging me again, upstairs with him in his room.
'What is wrong with you  Dan?'
'Please don't go downstairs, mum is about to explode. You know, i can see the smoke coming from her head.' I rolled my eyes at his exaggeration.

'And shouldn't you be wearing a dress? I heard mom when she was telling you that."

My eyes widened.
Noticing my expression, he said
'Holy shit! Don't tell me you fo-'

I didn't hear him complete cause i ran towards my room.


I looked at time. They may come any minute now. How can i forget something this important.??!

I picked the first dress i saw in my closet. I wore that dress and was about to grab my hair brush when the door bell rang.

'About damn time' i muttered to myself, grabbing the brush anyway and started brushing the hair to make it look more presentable.

'Athenaaa!' And that's my cue to go.

Putting the hair brush down on the dresser.
I looked one last time in the mirror and i wore a pale yellow, knee length dress with white flowers on it.
Didn't noticed until now.

'Don't embarrass me in front of anyone buddy.' I said to holding my stomach. Having a TED talk with my stomach is necessary.

'Athenaaa!' That's my second cue.
I left the room for the sole purpose of getting some food.

Yes nothing more than that.

Okay! Maybe not.

I want to know the boy next door.


Special Thanks to my Editor -
This wouldn't have been possible without you.

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