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Hey! This is the next part of the Niall Series. Hope you enjoy. Love,Katie

Twitter: @Directioner16K


Oh CRAP! When I woke up it was seven forty-five. I had to be at the airport in thirty minutes and the boys were going to be here in ten to pick me up. I rushed out of bed and ran into my closet. Searching through my clothes, I threw shirt after shirt onto the floor. Why don’t I have anything to wear?!

I threw clothes, shoes, and bags everywhere in my room. I finally got an outfit that was halfway decent. Thank God I had packed the night before. I would have never made it if I left it for this morning. I shoved my phone, my make-up and my money into my bag. There was a knock on my door.

“Coming,” I called.

I stumbled with my boots; skinny jeans were not the best pants to try to put shoes on standing up. I was brushing my hair while walking towards the door.

“Whoa,” I yelled as I fell over.

“Are you okay in there,” Niall called through the door.

“Yeah! I’m fine,” I said and opened the door, brushing my hair as I smiled at him.

He laughed and took my suitcase.

I put my brush on the counter and we started walking down towards the truck.

“Sorry,” I apologized, “I overslept and-.”

“It’s okay,” he interrupted while putting my stuff in the trunk.

“Are you sure,” I said, “I look terrible this morning.”

He shut the trunk, “Hey,” he said and pulled me close to him; his arms around my waist.

“What,” I said.

“You look beautiful.”


“Everyday.” He smiled at me cheekily.

I giggled and he kissed me.

I smiled mid-kiss, “We should go,” I whispered.

“Okay,” he said and pecked me on my lips on last time before he opened the car door for me.

I crouched into the car and the boys screamed in my ear, “KATIE!”

I covered my ears and shut my eyes tight. It was still kind of early in the morning for me.

“Hi Guys,” I said weakly.

“Are you okay,” Liam asked.

“I kinda just woke up literally, ten minutes ago.”

“Why’d you sleep so late,” Louis asked.

“I didn’t mean to,” I said, “I didn’t get much sleep last night.” I tucked myself in the back and Niall squeezed into next to me. He put his arm around me and twirled my hair in his fingers.

I smiled and leaned on his shoulder.

“Where you too excited,” Harry asked.

“Hmm,” I mumbled, “Oh yeah. I am really excited about this trip. I’ve never really been out of England, other than surprising Niall in New York.”

“It’s a lot of fun. You don’t really, like realize that you’re on tour even. Apart from the fans,” Zayn explained.

“Hey Boys, let’s let her sleep until we get to the airport,” Niall suggested.

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