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The fresh smell of school hit iris nose instantly as she walked through the halls looking for her algebra class. Students crowded the hallways talking bout a party that happened last night. Of course iris didn't go since she wasn't invited.

Iris wasn't like the rest of the girls in school. She had acne on her face from forehead to chin. Glasses that made her looked nerdy. She worn baggy clothes to hide her curves since she was thick thick. Iris hated how she looked cause of......

"Bitch"iris jumped seeing, feeling David big hand slapping her books to the ground. People looked at them and laughed shaking their heads. Iris looked around praying that the teacher can come and rescue her. "What happened to my homework?"

Iris shivered hearing David deep voice bouncing off the wall. David stood over her at 6'2 feet tall. His eyes pierced into Iris soul as he looked at her. His big juicy lips sealed shut not saying a word. David was like godly in school and everyone praised him. She didn't know what to say or do in his presence. "I-It's done"iris stuttered. She looked down at the floor avoiding David stares. It's 2016. Iris shouldn't be going through this. "I'll give it to you in class later"the bell ring indicating it's time to go to class. Since Iris was already standing outside her algebra class, she didn't have to run.


| 𝖿𝖾𝗐 𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗌 𝗅𝖺𝗍𝖾𝗋 |

School was coming to a closing. Iris couldn't wait to get home so she can eat and be in peace. She had a long day dealing with David ordering her around and making fun of her clothes. Nobody stands up for her. Maybe because they're scared of David. Who knows?

"Aye Iris"somebody called out. Iris turned around seeing one of David friends walking up to her. "Aye. David wants me to give this to you"he handed out a piece of folded paper that had a heart in the front. Iris felt kinda good about it.

She open the paper seeing what David put.

| dear iris
          Yo Ma. I want you to meet me at the school stadium around 3:40. I wanna tell you something important and I think you gone love it.

                    Love David

"Is he for real?"Iris ask David friend.

"Yeah he is"his friend nodded his head then walked away.

Iris looked at her iPhone 5 screen seeing the time was 2:45. She have a few minutes to play around.

It was 3:57 and Iris was still waiting for David. She scoffed a bit grabbing her bag and phone from off the bench. Iris walked off away from the benches trying to leave out the stadium. She knew David wasn't for real. Iris kept thinking why did she come knowing David wasn't really coming to see her at the stadium.

"I know you ain't leaving so soon Ma"Iris heard his voice from a far.

"You took too long. I gotta go"Iris rolled her eyes.

"Go where? I can drop you off"David chuckled. "You want that or you wanna wait for a bus that's gone show up around...."he checked his phone. "4:40"

"I rather wait than going with you"Iris hissed.

"Damn that's harsh"David sighed softly sitting down on the bench. "But I'm serious Ma, come here. Lemme talk to you"David patted the bench next to him. Iris made her way to the bench sitting down next to him. "You smell good today. Did all that for me?"David sniffed Iris.

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