Chapter 4: Josh

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I wake up still in my work clothes. Man, I must of passed out last night. My jobs not even that hard. If that doesn't make me feel lazy, I don't know what will.

I find comfort in a warm shower. It's like the water washes my stress and trouble away. The soap is like making me a clean slate. Ahh, metaphors. Good times, good times.

Once I gathered enough courage to exit the warmth of the shower and enter the cold tundra called my bathroom, I make a mad dash for my closet. As quickly as possible, I pull on my signature simple outfit. It just consists of dark wash jeans, a stylish v neck , and a pair of converse.

I look at myself in the mirror and snap my fingers. Looking good man. I wink at myself and chuckle. I really need more friends... Sigh.

I walk back to the bathroom and dry my hair. It's really as simple as rubbing my head vigorously with a towel. I then simply dip my fingers in some gel and spike the top forward. Tada! I'm done!

I grab my phone and walk out the front door, locking up. People mill around outside, some reading newspapers, some taking in the scenery. I'd have to say that Saturdays are the best part of New York. Everyone's...Happy.

You know what? I've decided I'm going to the park! I mean, why not? It's nice out and I have nothing better to do. And....I have no friends. Sadly. Sigh.

Okay, I guess I kinda lied. I have friends. I really do! They all just have jobs and our schedules always seem to clash. Like literally clash. Gnashing teeth, swords, and all. So medieval.

The park! It's not what you think, trust me. There's no little kid playground with a slide and swings. It's just a grassy area where you'll usually find couples (Young or old.), super athletic people playing football or frisbee, and then people like me. The loners.

"The Loners" as we refer to ourselves, usually chill under a tree and read a book or mess with our phones. Today my choice is my phone, on which I'll be reading a book. Modern technology, gotta love it!

I've probably been sitting for an hour reading when I hear a quiet, but smooth,"Hello..." I look up and swallow. Before me stood a beautiful woman with flowing blonde hair and blue eyes. She smiles sweetly and tilts her head slightly, repeating,"Hello..."


Hi! I'm so so so so so so so so so so so sorry for taking so long to update! I've been so unmotivated recently that I don't know what to do with myself! I literally sat and stared at my phone for an hour last night. It wasn't even turned on....

Anyways I'm terribly sorry!!!

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- Claire xx

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