❀✿ Epilogue ✿❀

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Dear Shumai,

Guess who~? It's me! Kokichi Ouma! Your beloved~. You better not be sulking in your room over my death! I'm not worth your tears and we both know it. Now go and help the world with your brilliant mind! Solve all the cases that come to you. I know you can do it, so stop being an emo and doubting yourself!

Aren't I such an idiot for sitting here are writing this? Believing that you might read it? That you might care? Believing that you'd actually open the note and read it after everything I've done to you. Well sucks to be you Saihara~Chan! I'm doing it anyway! So, here's your daily dose of sappy shit!

When a blue haired boy came up to me after class on a Wednesday afternoon, I thought he must have lost his mind. I lied again and again in front of him, trying to get him to leave me alone, yet he persisted. You could say it was love at first sight~! That's a lie! It really wasn't. But I grew to love him. You guessed it! You're the guy! (Probably because I already confessed and you rejected me, You're so meaaaan! Just kiddingggg) But how could I resist falling into the depths of your stunning existence? My heart quickly began bleeding out with unrequited love for you. That's a lie! Nothing's wrong with my heart, you destroyed my lungs instead!

Now where was I? Ah yes; Your blue hair that frames your face perfectly, casting an artistic shadow on your face. Your skin, so delicate, I wish I could touch it gently, hold you close and always comfort you in this world of hurt. Your voice, a constant lullaby in my ear I always want to hear. Your eyes, two golden rays that light up any room. They make the sun itself jealous. And none of what I'm describing is a lie. I know you'll be able to tell. If only you knew how deep my love for you is. But you don't!

Did you fall for all that sentimental crap? I didn't think my detective was that gullible!

I don't want to die. Shuichi I'm scared. I don't want to die. Come over here already and tell me everything is going to be okay. I don't want to die. Do you think it'll hurt? Where will I go? What will become of me? Everyone will just forget me. Shuichi promise me you won't forget me.

My name is Kokichi Ouma, I'm 17, I have purple hair, purple eyes, I'm 156cm tall and love annoying people. Grape Panta is my favourite drink; it's sweet fragrance can be smelled from a mile away. The sweet drink fills me up with warmth no matter how cold I am. It never fails to cheer me up. I love hammocks, call me childish, I don't care anymore. I can't. I'm dead. Wrapping myself up in a hammock is like wrapping myself up in my innocence, the few good parts of my childhood. God what I would give to be a kid again. I love spring, especially the mornings. When the smell of fresh grass hits my nose and it's the perfect temperature to go outside and lay in the grass; the gentle breeze running through my fingers like a soft embrace. Others will tell you I don't have friends and I'm a lying bastard but I'm not, I have 10 amazing friends—correction, family members. They've always been there for me in my lowest moments, supporting me every step in my life and I made it my life mission to do the same for them. DICE and you are my whole world. Finally, I love flowers. I love them so so much. Their sheer beauty can make anyone speechless, and they come in an array of enchanting colours and meanings. Their aroma is like no other, each different flower smelling unique and special. Their petals all delicate and weak, yet mesmerising. I have a flower garden. I want you to pick all the flowers from there and cover my coffin with them, cover me in a sea of flowers.

Remember me as this Kokichi Ouma, not the one who was a grumpy bitch to you and everyone in his last moments. Remember me in this way, promise me you will.

I don't want to die Shuichi. Why is my future being robbed from me? Why me? I don't want to die. Please, I don't care if your lying, tell me I won't die. Tell me I still have time. Tell me I can make it; tell me you love me and you're never going to let me go. I don't care if it's all lies just tell me. Tell me now.

I don't want to die. But I'm dead. Remember me Shuichi, I know it's a selfish request but remember me. I don't want to be reduced to just a rotting corpse in a grave. I love you more than words can describe. I love you so much it hurts. I love you so much it killed me. I can't say I'll be watching you on from above, because no one knows what happens after death. But know I loved you with every bit of my soul.

Remember me.

You're beloved,

Kokichi Ouma

Shuichi had read the crumpled note countless times with tear-stained cheeks. He had found it hidden away in his locker the day after Kokichi breathed his last breath of love for him. Kokichi had forgotten all about his love for Shuichi, he most likely forgot writing this note as well. Kokichi had quickly returned to his almost normal self after his surgery, the Kokichi that didn't think fondly of Shuichi Saihara. Today would be Shuichi's last time reading the note.

With a feeble smile, he let the last flower bloom. A loving smile graced his lips, though his lungs clenched in torment. He smiled as each breath became a struggle, gasping for air.

He smiled as an outstretched hand of his sought for help, fingers trembling and desperate, but only empty air greeted his touch. With tear-filled eyes, he smiled, a silent plea for someone to understand the depth of his love for Kokichi. A silent plea for Kokichi to be there with him.

As his senses slowly faded, slipping away like grains of sand through the hourglass of time, he smiled, a poignant reflection of his unwavering affection. The weight of unrequited love crushed his chest, making it impossible to breathe, but he clung to that smile, refusing to let it falter.

In his final moments, with a rasped breath, he uttered Kokichi's name, a whispered prayer that carried the weight of a lifetime's worth of longing. Through the haze of pain and the veil of mortality, he smiled, a testament to the love that consumed him until his last breath escaped his lips. He smiled as he died, died loving Kokichi.

~ 1155 Words ~

Authors Note:


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