The Jade Soldier

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During the heat of the thousand year war, many gems were dispatched in order to turn the tides within this great conflict. The diamond authority was on a part towards failure on earth, so they set out their most fierce fighter, Hessonite.

Hessonite was a gem made specifically for war, there was no other purpose for her. Although she had undeniable strength, not to mention one of three prisms, she knew this fight was a losing one. In a last ditch effort Hessonite used what brains she had on her warship to create a soldier equal to herself. To make the fight more 'fair' on the battlefield, Hessonite demanded the soldier to be equipped with not one, but two gemstones, this would not only boost their durability, but their firepower as well.

After a sped up incubation period, the gem emerges from their makeshift kindergarten within the ship in a poof of smoke. As the smoke clears and the gem walks out, it is revealed to be a male, which is a surprise to everyone aboard. It would seem that the increased speed to his incubation caused this, but Hessonite had no time to redo, nor did she have the resources, so she made due. Eventually, Hessonite unsheathed her sword and commanded the soldier to bow to her, which he did, she then spoke, "I, the mighty and powerful Hessonite, dub you my personal soldier." She then uses her sword to knight him. "You may rise, my Jade soldier." The Jade rises to his feet and looks at himself, instantly noticing the two jade gems that are in his wrists.

Hessonite notices his curiosity and snaps his fingers at him. "There's no time for that here, we'll be arriving shortly, you'll have ample time to test out whatever it is you can do." She clearly seems annoyed with everything going on and she quickly leaves the room and heads for the command center to land the ship on Earth, leaving the jade gem in the makeshift kindergarten, alone.

After what felt like ages, they finally landed, and like that the green gem rushes out of the warship and summons his weapons, that being gauntlets for each of his hands with small blades on the knuckles. And like that, he did what he was made to do, fight. Gem after gem came at him, but they were no match for him, most were too stunned at the sight of him, he's something entirely new to all of these gems, but he just uses that to his advantage.

While fighting, he never shatters a single foe, which caught Hessonite's attention. After he had poofed yet another Amethyst, Hessonite appears in front of him with his foes gem in hand, and puts it in his face. "Do you know where exactly we are? What exactly we're doing" She screams at him in the middle of the chaos that surrounds them. "I didn't create you so that you could spare these TRAITORS!" After the last word left her mouth she crushes the Amethyst gem in her hand, proving a point to her soldier. "If you don't shatter every enemy you see, I'll gladly use your gems as earrings." The male gem shudders at this and nods his head in agreement, after that, Hessonite is yet again gone, fighting once more.

The jade gem proceeds to summon his weapons once more and attack. His first fight with the mindset to shatter ended as quickly as it started, with one punch to his enemies gut, the blades went right through. "I'm sorry for this." The green gem says as his foe poofs away, he grabs their gem and crushes it with minimal effort, he felt disgusting, but immediately resumed his mission.

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