A change of pace

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After what felt like hours of fighting, it's clear that Hessonite has lost this battle. She quickly retreats to her warship and immediately flees the failed colony. As soon as she warps away in her ship she begins screaming and tossing things around her quarters, she had forgotten her soldier.

Jade, now noticing the lack of any reinforcement, quickly flees the battlefield and begins to wander. Now, he didn't know much, but as he walked he knew that this battle wasn't over, reinforcements would come whenever they're ready. He told himself this many times as he walked through a large, almost enchanted looking forest, before long he calms himself down and takes in the beauty around him.

Everything is so, beautiful. He watches the birds fly and sing, and stares at the glistening water. Everything here is so new to him, he wants to experience it all, and that's just what he does. He spends days exploring and watching nature flourish. Gone we're the stresses of battle, gone was Hessonites constant bickering, they were now replaced with the beautiful songs of the birds.

This isn't saying everything was great. He had set up a small camp to stay in, it had all the proper things, a campfire, tent, even a little place to sleep. But sleeping was basically torture, most nights he would have nightmares of what he did. That short time on the battlefield tested him and his strength, both mental and physical. He had nightmares about having to shatter those poor gems, he didn't want to do it, he knew it wasn't what they deserved, but he had to, he had no choice.

One day in particular one of these nightmares wakes him up from his sleep. As soon as he opens his eyes he sees a figure in his camp and jumps back, startling the figure in the process. It's very clearly somebody, so he calls out. "W-who are you, and most of all, what are you doing here." The figure stares at him with their hands up and walks closer towards the camp fire to reveal herself. "There's really no reason to be alarmed, I'm just a Lapis Lazuli, and there's no water nearby, you have nothing to be afraid of." The blue gem speaks in a reassuring tone, so he drops his guard slowly and walks towards her.

"Why are you here, did you plan on stealing from me?" She looks at him almost looking offended at his question. "What! Of course not, I just didn't know you'd wake up this time." 'This time??' He thought to himself, how many times has she been here that he's been unaware of. The two of them stay silent for a moment before the male gem sits himself down on a log and motions for her to join him. "You look exhausted, the least I can do is share my space with you." Lapis nods her head at him and sits herself next to him, but still having distance.

The two sit there in silence for what seemed like an eternity before lapis speaks. "So, what exactly are you?" The Jade gem looks at her with a face of pure confusion. "I beg your pardon?" She lets out a small chuckle before answering him. "Like, what are you? Clearly you're a gem, like me, but you're a male, I've just never heard of that before." Jade understood her curiosity, for an extent, and tries his best to form an answer for her. "Well, I was made in haste for the war against the rebellion, they needed something, so I was that something. Hessonite, my creator, says I'm one of the strongest gems that have came out of this war." He looks down at his gems, looking at himself in the reflections, still feeling disgusted with himself.

Lapis seems more on edge knowing this information, but stays with him anyways. "How about we give you a name, sure, you're clearly a Jade, but you're special." The gem thinks to himself for a moment before looking at the blue girl to his side. "How about (y/n)?" Lapis has a smile on her face that turns into laughter, "(y/n, it really does suit you." Maybe there's no reason for her to be tense around him, maybe he's more than a tool for the diamonds.

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