Chapter Eleven

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"Nice one Seth." Pearl heard a muffled voice as she came back to consciousness.

"You weren't there. You didn't see what they were doing." A familiar voice woke her up more quickly.

Pearl's eyes blinked open and she took in her surroundings. She was in an unfamiliar house, lying on an unfamiliar couch. Pearl slowly sat up and rubbed her throbbing head.

"She's awake." A deep voice interrupted the others.

"Pearl." Seth's voice made its way to her side and she looked up to see his charming face.

"Seth?" Her voice croaked. Pearl felt very disorientated, like she had just woken up from a strange dream.

"I'm here, I'm right here. How are you feeling?" Seth asked, moving her long hair out of her face and behind her shoulders.

"Like I got hit with a tone of bricks." She groaned and she heard a chuckle from behind her.

Pearl whipped her head around to see where it came from and, in the rather large dining area, Jared from the cafeteria sat, chewing on a mouth full of food.

"You fainted." Seth told her as he handed her a glass of water. She thanked him and sculled it like she hadn't drank in days.

"Oh right, I did." She said, vaguely remembering hitting the ground before blacking out.

"Do you remember what happened before you fainted." The deep voice interrupted her thoughts. She looked up and saw Sam Uley standing at the end of the couch, looking at her with concern.

"What are you doing here?" Pearl demanded, looking from Sam to Seth, to Jared and back to Sam.

"You're the one in my house Pearl." He chuckled and moved to where Seth was crouched beside her.

"What am I doing here then?" She asked, turning her attention to Seth now, not wanting talk to Sam.

"It was the closest place I could get help." Seth shrugged and had a slight look of guilt in his eyes.

"Now, tell me. What is the last thing you remember?" Sam urged again, crouching down to her level. Pearl didn't want to give him the satisfaction of answering, however there was something about him, something that made Pearl want to tell him.

Almost like she could trust him with her life.

"There – there were those boys." She started and Seth squeezed her hand in comfort. "They followed me. Then they . . . then they left when . . . when it came through the trees."

Pearl didn't say anymore, the rest of the memory feeling more like a dream.

Maybe it was a dream.

Maybe she was still in the dream.

"You're not dreaming Pearl." Sam answered her thoughts, the same way Jacob had been doing.

"I guess the wolf's out of the bag then." Jared chuckled through a mouthful of food.

"Zip it Jared." Sam barked and he immediately went back to filling his face.

"I'm pretty sure the saying is – wait hold on . . . you just said wolf. How do you know I –" Pearl was interrupted by the front door bursting open followed by her brother and Paul rushing in with no shoes or shirt.

"Pearl! What happened?" Jacob sounded almost angry as he made his way to the growing group at the couch.

"It wasn't her fault." Seth immediately stood up to defend her.

"What wasn't her fault?" Jacob asked through his teeth, getting impatient.

"Seth had a little accident in front of her." Sam broke the two up who were getting dangerously close.

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