Chapter Eighteen

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Pearl peeled her eyes open, and in the darkness, she could make out the figure of a slender woman with cropped hair and glowing golden eyes, just like hers, looking down on her.

"Alice?" She asked weakly, not sure if she was here to finish her off or not.

"We are not going to finish you off." A deeper voice chuckled and Pearl made out another pale figure step into her view.

Edward Cullen.

"Look away Edward!" Alice tusked at him as she took off her cardigan and walked up to Pearl, wrapping it around her bare body.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Pearl cringed away, Alice causing her more pain when she had touched her shoulder.

However, her mind started to feel a little cloudy the minute she had expressed her pain, a sudden calmness washing over her.

"Good thinking Jasper." Another warm voice, just like Alice's, spoke.

That's when Pearl realised there were more of the Cullen's standing around her. Four of them to be exact.

There was Alice and Edward, and then two more blondes she had never seen before, one younger looking than the other.

The older looking blond walked up close to Pearl, and he reached out to touch her, but a low growl from the back of her throat made him stop in his tracks.

"I'm a doctor Pearl. I'm here to help." The Cullen told her, but another voice stopped him from trying again.

"Get your filthy hands away from my sister!" Her brother's deep voice growled, Jared staring deathly at the Cullen's too.

"I can't move Jacob." Pearl said weakly. "He can help." Her eyes were almost pleading him to let the doctor help her.

"She has a broken collar bone with a dislocated shoulder and is currently bleeding internally. I can help her, you need to let me." The doctor said calmly to the two boys.

"Get off our land." Jacob seethed through his teeth, as if he didn't he a word the doctor had just said.

"Something bad will happen if you don't let us!" Alice said urgently. This seemed to change something in Jacob's mind.

"Only you will come, the rest of you need to leave. I'm sure Sam will want a word with you anyways." Jacob agreed, his eyes flickering to his hurt sister.

"I need Jasper with me, he'll subside the pain for her." The doctor argued.

"And I want Alice there." Pearl piped up, not knowing where it came from but it felt right to her.

"Fine, but he is a definite no." Jacob pointed strong finger at Edward, who nodded understandably, but also slightly intimidatingly.

"We need to lift her up." Dr Cullen started to help her as Edward left in a blur.

"We'll do it." Jacob said threateningly, Jared and him rushing down to lift her up together, carefully.

Another long groan left Pearl's lips as her broken bones got jolted around, and a sudden pain erupted in her chest. She really was internally bleeding.

The journey back to the Uley House felt like the longest one Pearl had ever experienced. Pain bursts here and there while Alice let out worried gasps, along with Jacob sending their guests death glares every chance he got.

"What is the meaning of this?" Sam's voice echoed in the house as they all bursts through the door in a rush.

The alpha's eyes had missed poor Pearl and was now dead set on the three vampires that were currently in his home. He protectively pushed Emily behind him and the rest of the boys lounging around all stood up, ready for a fight.

Pearl Black || Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now